Ref | Blocking? | Status | Component | Description/Notes |
44 | Open | All | Communication to register DR Node & BC DR node reg with BC client? - Hook is in place, values need to pass still to be determined post install hooks, flag can be added to keep alive (if post install jobs are completed they are deleted, flag is to allow them to not be deleted) 04/24: potentially call meeting next week with Jack Lucas, when we have resolved RC0 issues 05/01: Demo done at DCAE meeting - link to be added Jack is currently on holidays (return date - 5/5) , can we use same logic as demoed? Wednesday meeting(5/8) to discuss this in greater detail? 5/8: Meeting with Jack postponed to 5/15 5/13: Jack not available on 5/15. Dom to meet with Jack on 5/14 to have initial discussion. Reference wiki page: DMaaP Edge Deployment 5/15: Dom spoke with Jack. wiki page above updated. Review today. 5/22: Jira tickets for El Alto already created. Need little bit redesign and more discussion with the OOM team. 5/29: Continuation with POC. 6/5: Mike Elliott will be scheduling a meeting to further discuss. Fiachra trying core-dns plugin with rke. | |
51 | OpenClosed | All | RC0 moved to 5/2. 4/29: Mandar to create checklists, teams to review 5/1: Review checklist 5/3: Open Jira tickets to be looked at and either moved to El Alto or closed 5/10: WIP 5/25: Mandar to double check the remaining tickets | |
56 | Open | All | El alto - 3 month cycle, further details needed no more details on this 5/22: DMaaP teams to create a high level list of items that they want to cover in El Alto and review on 6/5. 6/5: Is Jonathan going to provide a template for a init container for certificates in El Alto? This could be an item for all in El Alto. Mandar to check with Jonathan. | |
57 | Open | All | Global jjb vs nexus staging for El Alto - more details to follow 5/01: Need to discuss for El Alto reference wiki page: global-jjb Migration Tracker 05/13: Mandar to find if more documentation is available. 05/22: Checked with Jess. She mentioned at the moment only projects with no other dependencies are being handled. Since DMaaP has dependency on AAF, AAF has to be done first. We can start working on this once Dublin is released. 5/25: Mandar to check with Jessica if this can be kicked off. | |
63 | Closed | All | 05/22: Create the Dublin branch - decide when this can be done. DR already branched Dublin. dbcapi done as well 05/25: All projects branched. Closing. |