Table of Contents |
service_instance_id: Take from __var/svc_instance_uuid file. Copy the value for gmux without letter 'V'.
Code Block |
---| <namespace> heatbridge <stack_name> <service_instance_id> <service> <oam-ip-address> root@oom-rancher:~/integration/test/vcpe# ~/oom/kubernetes/robot/ onap heatbridge vcpe_vfmodule_e2744f48729e4072b20b_201811262136 d8914ef3-3fdb-4401-adfe-823ee75dc604 vCPEvGMUX |
Checklist for Casablanca Release
Assuming you run vcpe script from rancher node, here we put the above steps in summary, you need to see details of each step in the above tutorial.
0. Enable dev-sdnc-sdnc-0 docker karaf log by editing StatefulSet/dev-sdnc-sdnc (remove log mount), then deleting pod dev-sdnc-sdnc-0 to restart it. Note the pod may move to a different cluster node after restart, write down the cluster node IP.
1. model distribution by ` onap init`. this will onboard VNFs and 4 services, i.e. infrastructure, brg, bng and gmux.
2. Login in Portal as Demo user, then go to SDC portal to add BRG subcategory to AllottedResource. SDC FE API not working yet:
Body: {"name":"BRG"}
3. (No need anymore for Casablanca MR) Update SO catalogdb tables temp_network_heat_template_lookup and network_resource tables by setting aic_version_max=3.0 (SO-1184)
4. Update SO catalogdb table heat_template to set Generic NeutronNet entry BODY field with the correct yaml format
Code Block | ||||
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mysql -uroot -ppassword -e 'update catalogdb.heat_template set body=" heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 description: A simple Neutron network parameters: network_name: type: string description: Name of the Neutron Network default: ONAP-NW1 shared: type: boolean description: Shared amongst tenants default: False outputs: network_id: description: Openstack network identifier value: { get_resource: network } resources: network: type: OS::Neutron::Net properties: name: { get_param: network_name } shared: { get_param: shared }" where name="Generic NeutronNet"' |
5. Manually create and distribute customer service according to the steps in tutorial
Note: in Casablanca maintenance, this step is automated in Robot by running > onap distributevCPEResCust
5.1 Create csar directory under vcpe, and copy the following 5 csar files from robot docker /tmp/csar/
Code Block | ||||
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root@oom-rancher:~/integration/test/vcpe# ls -l csar total 440 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 105767 Jan 28 18:21 service-Demovcpeinfra-csar.csar -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 68772 Jan 28 18:21 service-Demovcpevbng-csar.csar -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 61744 Jan 28 18:22 service-Demovcpevbrgemu-csar.csar -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 66512 Jan 28 18:22 service-Demovcpevgmux-csar.csar -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 70943 Jan 28 18:23 service-Vcperescust2019012820190128180325894-csar.csar |
10. Run ` infra`
11. Make sure sniro configuration is run as part of the above step.
12. Install curl command inside sdnc-sdnc-0 container
13. Run ` onap` to check connectivity from sdnc to brg and gmux. If fails, check /opt/config/sdnc_ip.txt to see it has the SDNC host ip correctly. If you need to change SDNC host ip, you need to clean up and rerun ` infra`. Also verify tap interfaces tap-0 and tap-1 are up by running vppctl with show int command. If tap interfaces are not up, use vppctl tap delete tap-0 and tap-1 and then run `/opt/` followed by `/opt/`.
Code Block | ||||
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root@zdcpe1cpe01brgemu01-201812261515:~# vppctl tap delete tap-0 Deleted. root@zdcpe1cpe01brgemu01-201812261515:~# vppctl tap delete tap-1 Deleted. root@zdcpe1cpe01brgemu01-201812261515:~# /opt/ root@zdcpe1cpe01brgemu01-201812261515:~# /opt/ root@zdcpe1cpe01brgemu01-201812261515:~# vppctl show int Name Idx State Counter Count GigabitEthernet0/4/0 1 up tx packets 12 tx bytes 3912 local0 0 down tap-0 2 up rx packets 5 rx bytes 410 drops 7 ip6 1 tap-1 3 up rx packets 1 rx bytes 70 drops 7 ip6 1 |
14. Run ` customer`
15. Verify tunnelxconn and brg vxlan tunnels are set up correctly
16. Set up vgw and brg dhcp and route, and ping from brg to vgw. Note vgw public ip on Openstack Horizon may be wrong. Use vgw OAM ip to login.
Checklist for Dublin Release
- Model distribution by ` onap init`. this will onboard VNFs and 4 services, i.e. infrastructure, brg, bng and gmux
- Run Robot ` onap distributevCPEResCust`. This step assumes step 1 successfully distributed the 4 models
- Add customer SDN-ETHERNET-INTERNET (need to put into vcpe init)
- Add route on sdnc cluster node `ip route add via dev ens3`
- Initialize SDNC ip pool by running from Rancher node `kubectl -n onap exec -it dev-sdnc-sdnc-0 -- /opt/sdnc/bin/ VGW 10.5.0 22 250`
- Install python and other python libraries
- Change the openstack env parameters and the customer service related parameter in
- Run ` init`
- Insert a service workflow entry in SO catalogdb
Code Block | ||||
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root@sb04-rancher:~# kubectl exec dev-mariadb-galera-mariadb-galera-0 -- mysql -uroot -psecretpassword -e "INSERT INTO catalogdb.service_recipe (ACTION, VERSION_STR, DESCRIPTION, ORCHESTRATION_URI, SERVICE_PARAM_XSD, RECIPE_TIMEOUT, SERVICE_TIMEOUT_INTERIM, CREATION_TIMESTAMP, SERVICE_MODEL_UUID) VALUES ('createInstance','1','vCPEResCust 2019-06-03 _04ba','/mso/async/services/CreateVcpeResCustService',NULL,181,NULL, NOW(),'6c4a469d-ca2c-4b02-8cf1-bd02e9c5a7ce')" |
12. Run heatbridge
13. Push new Policy. Follow Jorge's steps in
Jira Legacy | ||||||
14. Start closeloop by `./ loop` to trigger packet drop VES event. You may need to run the command twice if the first run fails
It is most likely due to an error in vnf-topology-assign DG. This happends in R2 and should have been fixed in R3 (refer
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Enter the SDNC docker
1. make a copy of GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_vnf-topology-operation-assign.xml in the sdnc_controller_container under /opt/sdnc/svclogic/graphs/generic-resource-api
2. edit GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_vnf-topology-operation-assign.xml to replace "<break> </break>" with "<break/>" or "<break></break>"
a. optionally you can change the version to something like 1.3.3-SNAPSHOT-FIX and update graph.versions to match but that is not needed if the xml failed to load .
3. run /opt/sdnc/svclogic/bin/
this will install the edited DG and make it active as long as the version in the xml and the version in graph.versions match
4. re-run /opt/sdnc/svclogic/bin/ and you should see the active DG
DHCP server doesn't work
- ssh to the dhcp server
- systemctl status kea-dhcp4-server.service
- If the service is not installed, do 'apt install kea-dhcp4-server.service'
- If the service is installed, most likely /usr/local/lib/ is missing. Download this file from the following link and put it in /usr/local/lib. Link:
- systemctl restart kea-dhcp4-server.service