Table of Contents | ||
Docker Diagram
Docker name | Description |
sdc-cassandra | The Docker contains our Cassandra server and the logic for creating the needed schemas for SDC. On docker startup, the schemes are created and Cassandra server is started. |
sdc-elasticsearch | The Docker contains Elastic Search server and the logic for creating the needed mapping for SDC. On docker startup, the mapping is created and Elastic Search server is started. |
sdc-kibana | The Docker contains the Kibana server and the logic needed for creating the SDC views there. On docker startup, the views are configured and the Kibana server is started. |
sdc-backend | The Docker contains the SDC Backend Jetty server. On docker startup, the Jetty server is started with our application. |
sdc-frontend | The Docker contains the SDC Fronted Jetty server. On docker startup, the Jetty server is started with our application. |
Docker name | Description |
sdc-cs | The Docker contains our Cassandra server . On docker startup the Cassandra server is started. |
sdc-cs-init | The docker contains the logic for creating the needed schemas for SDC catalog server, On docker startup, the schemes are created. |
sdc-cs-onboard-init | The docker contains the logic for creating the needed schemas for SDC onboarding server, On docker startup, the schemes are created. |
sdc-es | The Docker contains Elastic Search server. On docker startup, Elastic Search server is started. |
sdc-init-es | The Docker contains the logic for creating the needed mapping for SDC and the views for kibana. On docker startup, the mapping is created. |
sdc-kibana | The Docker contains the Kibana server. On docker startup, the Kibana server is started. |
sdc-onboard-BE | The Docker contains the onboarding Backend Jetty server. On docker startup, the Jetty server is started with the application. |
sdc-BE | The Docker contains the catalog Backend Jetty server. On docker startup, the Jetty server is started with the application. |
sdc-BE-init | The docker contains the logic for importing the SDC Tosca normative types and the logic for configuring external users for SDC external api's. on start, up the docker executes, the rest calls to the catalog server. |
sdc-FE | The Docker contains the SDC Fronted Jetty server. On docker startup, the Jetty server is started with our application. |
OOM/K8 deployment dependency map:
Connectivity Matrix
Docker name | API NAME | API purpose | protocol used | port number or range | TCP/UDP |
sdc-cassandra | SDC backend uses the two protocols to access the cassandra | trift/async | 9042/9160 | TCP | |
sdc-elasticsearch | SDC backend uses the two protocols to access the ES | transport | 9200/9300 | TCP | |
sdc-kibana | the API is used to access the kibana UI | http | 5601 | TCP | |
sdc-onboard-backend | the APIs are used to access the onboarding functionalty | http/https | 8081/8445 | TCP | |
sdc-backend | the APIs are used to access the catalog functionalty | http/https | 8080/8443 | TCP | |
sdc-frontend | the APIs are used to access the SDC UI and to proxy requests to the SDC back end | http/https | 8181/9443 | TCP |
Offered APIs
Container/VM name | API name | API purpose | protocol used | port number or range used | TCP/UDP |
sdc-fe | /sdc1/feproxy/* | Proxy for all the REST calls from the SDC UI | HTTP/HTTPS | 8181/8443 | TCP |
sdc-be | /sdc2/* | Internal APIs used by the UI. The request is passed through the Front end proxy server | HTTP/HTTPS | 8080/8443 | TCP |
sdc-be | /sdc/* | External APIs offered to the different components for retrieving information from the SDC Catalog. These APIs are protected by basic authentication. | HTTP/HTTPS | 8080/8443 | TCP |
sdc | /onboarding-api/* | Internal APIs used by the UI. | HTTP/HTTPS | 8081/8445 | TCP |
Status Information
We provide a health check script that can show the state of our application.
The script is located at /data/scripts/
The script is taken from our repository in LF on VM spin.
The script calls a REST API in the FE and BE server.
BE health Check URL:
Code Block |
http://<BE server IP>:<BE server port>/sdc2/rest/healthCheck |
The Back end health check provides the following INFO, in case one of the components is down the server will fail requests:
type | section | description |
general SDC info | "sdcVersion": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT", "siteMode": "unknown", | This shows the current version of the Catalog application installed. The site mode is not used in the current version. |
general Catalog info | { "healthCheckComponent": "BE", "healthCheckStatus": "UP", "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT", "description": "OK" } | This shows the current version of the catalog application installed. |
Catalog sub components status | ||
Elastic Search | { "healthCheckComponent": "ES", "healthCheckStatus": "UP", "description": "OK" } | This describes our connectivity to Elastic Search. |
TITAN | { "healthCheckComponent": "TITAN", "healthCheckStatus": "UP", "description": "OK" } | This describes our connectivity to and from the Titan client and the Cassandra server. |
Cassandra | { |
This describes the status of the |
connectivity from catalog to |
Cassandra |
Dmaap | { "healthCheckComponent": "DE", "healthCheckStatus": "UP", "description": "OK" } | This describes our connectivity to the Dmaap. |
Onboarding | "healthCheckComponent": "ON_BOARDING", |
This describes the state and version of the onboarding sub component | ||
Onboarding sub component status | ||
Zusamen | { "healthCheckComponent": "ZU", "healthCheckStatus": "UP", "version": "0.2.0", "description": "OK" } | this describes the version and status of the zusamen. |
general Onboarding info | { "healthCheckComponent": "BE", "healthCheckStatus": "UP", "version": "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT", "description": "OK" } | this describes the state and version of the onboarding sub component |
Cassandra | { "healthCheckComponent": "CAS", "healthCheckStatus": "UP", "version": "2.1.17", "description": "OK" } |
This describes the |
connectivity status to |
Cassandra from the onboarding and the |
Cassandra version the onboarding is connected two. |
The Front end server health check places a REST call to the Back end server to check the connectivity status of the servers.
the status received from the Backend server is aggregated in the Frontend health Check response.
in addition to the info retrieved from the BE the info of the Frontend server is added for the Catalog and Onboarding
FE health Check URL:
Code Block |
http://<FE server IP>:<FE server port>/sdc1/rest/healthCheck |
type | section | description |
general SDC info | in the main section | |
Frontend | { | describe the version of the Catalog Frontend server |
general Onboarding info | in the onboarding section | |
{ | describe the version of the Onboarding Frontend server |
server | location | type | description | rolling |
BE | /data/logs/BE/2017_03_10.stderrout.log | Jetty server log | The log describes info regarding Jetty startup and execution | the log rolls daily |
/data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/audit.log | aplication audit | An audit record is created for each operation in SDC | rolls at 20 mb | |
/data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/debug.log | aplication logging | We can enable higher logging on demand by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker. The file is located under: config/catalog-be/logback.xml. This log holds the debug and trace level output of the application. | rolls at 20 mb | |
/data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/error.log | aplication logging | This log holds the info and error level output of the application. | rolls at 20 mb | |
/data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/transaction.log | aplication logging | Not currently in use. will be used in future relases. | rolls at 20 mb | |
/data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/all.log | aplication logging | On demand, we can enable log aggregation into one file for easier debugging. This is done by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker. | rolls at 20 mb | |
FE | /data/logs/FE/2017_03_10.stderrout.log | Jetty server log | The log describes info regarding the Jetty startup and execution | the log rolls daily |
/data/logs/FE/SDC/SDC-FE/debug.log | aplication logging | We can enable higher logging on demand by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker. The file is located under: config/catalog-fe/logback.xml. This log holds the debug and trace level output of the application. | rolls at 20 mb | |
/data/logs/FE/SDC/SDC-FE/error.log | aplication logging | This log holds the Info and Error level output of the application. | rolls at 20 mb | |
/data/logs/FE/SDC/SDC-FE/all.log | aplication logging | On demand we can enable log aggregation into one file for easier debuging, by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker. This log holds all the logging output of the application. | rolls at 20 mb |
The logs are mapped from the docker to an outside path so that on docker failure the logs will still be available.
to change the log level in sdc:
- access the docker for FE or BE example docker exec -it <docker id > bash
- go to config/catalog-fe/logback.xml
- open the file for editing.
in the file you can change the log level:
Code Block <root level="INFO"> <appender-ref ref="ASYNC_ERROR" /> <appender-ref ref="ASYNC_DEBUG" /> <appender-ref ref="AUDIT_ROLLING" /> <appender-ref ref="ASYNC_TRANSACTION" /> <if condition='property("enable-all-log").equalsIgnoreCase("true")'> <then> <appender-ref ref="ALL_ROLLING" /> </then> </if> </root> <logger name="org.openecomp.sdc" level="INFO" />
- change the root level to DEBUG to open all logs in SDC including the dependencies. (Note a lot of log out put is created and it is hard to folow).
- open the logger by a package to enable only sdc spcific logs.
- it is importent to note the opening the logs impacts the aplication performance so do not leav the system in debug level.
- the log configuration is runtime editable so no restart is required for the docker, just save the file and that is enught.