Purpose: Verify if VID could present all cloud regions to ONAP user for VNF/VF Module instantiating
Test prerequiste:
- deploy oom instance with the latest VID images
- init the ONAP by robot script: “./demo-k8s.sh onap init”
- provision local hosts file to visit ONAP portal: http://portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30215/ONAPPORTAL/login.htm
- Workaround the https cert issue: browser to open https://vid.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30200/vid/welcome.htm and accept the cert
- Create an service instance vLB2 with service model: vLB
Test case 1: 1 cloud region:CloudOwner/RegionOne
Step 1: Edit the service instance vLB2, refresh the VID with latest AAI data by clicking the refresh button.
Step 5: Select Tenant, expect to observe "VIM"
Test Result: Pass
Test case 2: 2 cloud regions:CloudOwner/RegionOne, CloudOwner2/RegionOne
Step 1: Onboard new cloud region by ESR VIM registration portal: http://portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30280/iui/aai-esr-gui/extsys/vim/vimView.html
Test Result: Failed, step 6 observes only 1 cloud region: "RegionOne(CloudOwner2)", Step 7 observes 2 tenants "VIM", "VIM"
Test case 3: 3 cloud regions:CloudOwner/RegionOne, CloudOwner2/RegionOne, CloudOwner3/CloudRegion3
Step 1: Onboard new cloud region by ESR VIM registration portal: http://portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30280/iui/aai-esr-gui/extsys/vim/vimView.html
Test Result: Failed, step 6 observes only 2 cloud region: "RegionOne(CloudOwner2)","Region3(CloudOwner3)"
Test case 4: 4 cloud regions:CloudOwner/RegionOne, CloudOwner2/RegionOne, CloudOwner3/CloudRegion3, CloudOwner2/Region2
Step 1: Onboard new cloud region by ESR VIM registration portal: http://portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30280/iui/aai-esr-gui/extsys/vim/vimView.html