Step-by-step to generate UML from XSD file
1) Create a new Eclipse projectNOTE: These instructions assume that Eclipse has been started in Modeling perspective and that Papyrus is installed.
1) From the File menu, create a new general Eclipse project using the project wizard. Only required input is a project name.
2) From the File menu, choose Import... in order to import the .xsd into the project using the import wizard.
2a) Choose import from file system2a).
2b) Select the From directory first and then the .xsd file. Import into the project folder.
3) Select In the Model Explorer, open the project. Right-click on the .xsd and create an a new EMF Generator Model (under select "New" and "Other..." to enter the wizard).
3b) Select the project folder as the parent folder and choose the XML Schema model importer. "Model URI" should already be filled in with the .xsd file URI.
4) Select the model and export to UML