The purpose of this article is to describe the vDNS use case distribution in Dublin Release.
What's new
The Controller Blueprint Archive CBA is a zip archive that hosts all the service model related artifacts (heat templates, blueprints, vtl templates, workflows, etc ... ) that can enable ONAP to assign and instantiate the service.
Controller Design Studio CDS should receive a notification when a new service model is distributed by SDC, and then CDS will download the CBA CSAR file and deploy it.
Distribution of a
Using a sample CBS called, we start by adding a VF in SDC.
DRAFTWe fill in the service name and description, etc ..., and click "Create".
Add service name and description, and click on "Create"
Cilck on "Composition", and drag the VF we created from the pallette on the left onto the canvas in the middle. and Click on "Submit for Testing"