Import Service Catalog
Submit Order
Instantiation of VNF
Interaction Flow
- Third Party Catalog import
- Publish Catalog
- Submit an O2A order
- Fulfill the order
This sequence diagram depicts external catalog sync into SDC followed by order request from BSS
The flow steps
Catalog Sync Summary
1 – External Third party domain exports it service catalog details to Telstra. Telstra orchestrator ONAP exposes TMF Open API 633 Service Catalog API via ONAP Ext API component. Third Party Domain leverages the API 633 to POST the Service Catalog payload.
POST nbi/api/v3/serviceSpecification
Request body –ONAP compatible Service CSAR
CSAR contents:
- CFSS for Partner Domain Service
- RFSS for Network Functions of Service
2 – ONAP Ext API updates SDC catalog by invoking internal SDC API
POST sdc/v2/catalog/services
SDC updates other ONAP components (which have registered with SDC DMaaP) with catalog details
2a – SDC Updates SO catalog
2b – SDC updates AAI inventory
3 – Ext API notifies Third party after successful update within ONAP
Ext API also notifies northbound systems (BSS/NaaS) after successful import of the service catalog into ONAP. BSS retrieves catalog information from ONAP
4 – BSS/NaaS retrieves Service catalog details from ONAP
Order Activation Summary
5 – BSS submit order using TMF 641 Service Ordering API, that is exposed by ONAP Ext API
6 – ONAP Ext API submits the request to ONAP SO
6a – ONAP SO decomposes the service and submits the request by invoking Ext API (This is similar to what is being proposed for CCVPN use case as well. This maintains that only Ext API interacts with outside world and other ONAP components do not)
7 – ONAP Ext API invokes the Third Party Ordering API
Below sequence diagrams are depicting the Catalog Sync functionality in more detail:
High level flow of the activities for importing an external Service Catalog into ONAP