Versions Compared


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High Level Test Cases and Status

#Test CaseTest TypeSummaryStatus
PNF-OB-1Test insecure vendor PNF csar packageSanity*Local code, not merged yetPASS*
PNF-OB-2Test secure vendor PNF zip packageSanity*Local code, not merged yetPASS*
PNF-OB-3Test creation of VSP using input PNF package through UIManual

ONAP - Dublin

Test with unsigned and 2 signed sample packages

PNF-OB-4Test creation of PNF by importing PNF VSP through UIManual

ONAP - Dublin

Test with unsigned and 2 signed sample packages

PNF-OB-5Test creation of PNF with artefacts through UIManual

ONAP - Dublin

PNF-OB-6Test creation of PNF service containing PNF through UIManual

ONAP - Dublin

Test with unsigned and 2 signed sample packages

PNF-OB-7Test distribution and ingestion of SDC generated PNF service csar packageManual + E2E

ONAP - Dublin

Test with unsigned and 2 signed sample packages


Distribution works with all working components


Test Case ID
Test Case NameTest creation of VSP using input PNF package through UI
DescriptionRun through manual process of onboarding in SDC gui starting with creating vendor license model to then creating vendor software product using vendor supplied PNF csar/zip package.
PreconditionsLocal SDC or ONAP deployment available
Testing Steps

StepsExpected Result
  1. Login to ONAP portal as a Designer user

  2. Navigate to SDC application

  3. On ONBOARD page click on 'CREATE NEW VLM'

  4. Go through the steps of creating new Vendor License Manager with required and corresponding License Key Groups, Entitlement Pools, Feature Groups and License Agreement submitting the VLM at the end of the process.

  5. On ONBOARD page click on 'CREATE NEW VSP'

  6. In 'Vendor' drop down select license manager name created in step 3 above and select 'Network Package' as the onboarding procedure

  7. On 'Software Product Details' page add the missing license agreement using VLM created in step 3 above.

  8. Going back to 'Overview' in left menu and under Software Product Attachments choose SELECT FILE and upload vendor pnf csar/zip input file.

  9. Submit the VSP for creation.

Vendor CSAR/ZIP package parsed and loaded into SDC and used in VSP.

Conclusion (Pass/Fail)


Testing LabEricsson Lab / Local SDC or ONAP deployment


Test Case ID
Test Case NameTest creation of PNF service containing PNF through UI
DescriptionBuilding on PNF-OB-4/PNF-OB-5 test that a PNF can be created in the SDC gui

Local SDC or ONAP deployment available

Testing Steps

StepExpected Result
  1. Navigate to SDC -> HOME menu
  2. Click on ADD button and select Add Service, complete mandatory fields, add deployment artifacts and press Create button
  3. Go to Composition in left menu
  4. In search box find created PNF from PNF-OB-4/PNF-OB-5 above using its name, drag and drop it to main view and Submit for Testing
  5. Re-login as a a Tester user
  6. Navigate to SDC tab HOME menu and select service submitted for testing
  7. Press Start Testing button in right top corner and then Accept button adding comment.
  8. Re-login as a Governor user
  9. Navigate to SDC tab CATALOG menu and select previously created service
  10. Press Approve button in right top corner, add comment and press OK button

The created service has been displayed as Distribution Approved in HOME menu.

Conclusion (Pass/Fail)PASS
Testing LabEricsson Lab / Local SDC or ONAP deployment
