Versions Compared


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DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve


JIRA Cleanup

1440 - Statistics and adding Blacklist guard policy, sonar cleanup

CSIT tests need to be built

Lab Testing - please make this a goal today

oom testing w latest: problems: a) usecase not working, model move, b) brmsgw not working, ticket open.

apps changes

continue working on it
junits + db configurationwork with Bilal + oom charts + preload databilal help with pap in csit
upload code event manager + aai simulatortesting with Marco
pdp-x csit tests + waiting for db configpick up changes + csit for policy apisif can help drools after api work is done in csits
group operations with validatation of incoming data

continue group /- junits
csit fix w Bilal + pdp-x reviewdatabase integration + oom
reviews for clean up and misc. itemscleaning up and looking at security tests
db config and initial group under reviewlooking at registration for pdp-x supported typespdp-x will send optimization, guard and monitoring supported types.
oom changes for apex-pdpcontinue
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

M4 Checklist

JIRA Cleanup

Code review help

Explain why we are not ready for M4

Database setup - please resolve this today. Get the name right, configured.

CSIT - start helping Bilal with these.

Final Helm Chart changes also

deploy - latest fixes

drools applications

hope to get apps repo working with tosca policieis

reload images in oom - latest status of things

changes to event manager + changes to make it configurable to aai cq.

changes in simulator.

csit tests + db for policy api testscontinue

double map issue that Pam reported.

undeploy provider

going over Jiras - 1444

group operations and broadcast, deciding what to do next.

csit failure for pdp-x

deploy/undeploy review

need to add a few things to the deploy/undeploy.

csit test

fixes for policy-id + version.

misc. reviews tidying

going through JIRAS, security, reviews, etc ..
basic infra for pdp group/subgroup in PAPcontinue
packaging pdp-a -done - review outcontinue
