The current API documents can be found at:
Controller consumes the following interfaces:
4. known system limitations
Runtime: None
Clamp data redundancy is dependant on kubernetes and the persisten volume.
- Lack of clarity & roles in the controller (which controller does what?)
- Proliferation of controller instances (many similar yet different controller instances)
- Divergence of controller implementation (lack of common controller framework)
- Duplicate and uncoordinated interfaces (lack of uniform common services in southbound interfaces)
- Controller resiliency and horizontal scaling
5. Used Models
Clamp uses Controllers use the following models:
- please fill in (and references if possible)
- << include model that you recieve from SDC >>
- << Include the model that you configure in the policy >>
6. System Deployment Architecture
7. New Release Capabilities
Upgrade of ODL to Fluorine SR2
Change Management use case support
Closed loop use case support
Platform maturity advancement (Scalability, Stability, Security, and Performance)
Network discovery enhancements
8. References
- CLAMP Overview & User Guide: https://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/submodules/clamp.git/docs/index.html
- CLAMP internal interfaces: https://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_downloads/d3c9f924c6586fe411d40a05ad9b1bb7/swagger.pdf