Versions Compared


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Controller consumes the following interfaces:

Interface NameInterface Definition Interface Capabilities
SDCE-6SDC Interface

An interface to receive resource Templates from SDC design catalog

CDSE-1CDS Interface

An interface to receive resource blueprint from CDS

AAIE-1Inventory Service Interface

 An interface to create, update, query, and delete resource information and relationships


 Policy Decision Point query for IP address

Note:   xxxI interface is a internal interface.  xxxxE interface is a external interface

The current API documents can be found at:

  • link to documentation

    Controller consumes the following Interfaces:

3. Component Description:


  • please fill in (and references if possible)
  • << include model that you recieve from SDC >>
  • << Include the model that you configure in the policy >>

Image Added

6. System Deployment Architecture
