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How to run the Blueprints Processor Platform in an IDE


Have the processor running locally is to use the IDE to run the code, while having the database running in a container. This way, code changes can be conveniently tested and debugged.

Check out the code

Check out the latest code from Gerrit:

Build it locally

In the checked out directory, type

    mvn clean install -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dadditionalparam=-Xdoclint:none

Spin up a Docker container with the database

The Blueprints Processor project uses a database to store information about the blueprints and therefore it needs to be online before attempting to run it.

One way to create the database is to adapt the docker-compose.yaml file present on the distribution module.


The phrase mysqld: ready for connections indicates that the database was started correctly.

After this, revert the docker-compose.yaml file to its original state:


    docker start <id of mariadb container>

Set permissions on the local file system

Blueprints processor uses the local file system for some operations and, therefore, need some existing and accessible paths to run properly.


    mkdir -p /opt/app/onap/blueprints/archive
mkdir -p /opt/app/onap/blueprints/deploy
mkdir -p /opt/app/onap/scripts
    sudo chmod -R 777 app/

Import the project on the IDE

For this page, the chosen IDE is IntelliJ, but the instructions present here can be adapted to be used in other IDEs as well.

Go to File | Open and choose the pom.xml file of the cds directory:

Override some application properties

After the project is compiled, a Run Configuration profile overriding some application properties with custom values needs to be created, to reflect the local environment characteristics.

Navigate to the main class of the Blueprints Processor, the BlueprintProcessorApplication class: cds/ms/blueprintsprocessor/application/src/main/java/org/onap/ccsdk/cds/blueprintsprocessor/

Right-click inside it, in any point, to load the context menu and select create BlueprintProcessorApplication configuration from context:


The following window will open:

Now some properties Unfold the environment section and click in the VM options expansion icon, to add the custom values to be applied to some application properties:


Code Block
titleCustom values for properties

Run the application