Interface Name | Purpose Reason For Use |
SDCE-6 | To receive the notifications of a new service. |
SDCE-7 | To query the catalogue for service specifications |
SOE-X | To request a service instantiation |
AAIE-1 | To query the instantiated services |
MSBE-X | To be checked |
DMAAP-X | To be checked |
3. Component Description:
ExternalAPI consists of 3 containers:
- NBI container managing the API requests
- MongoDB container storing Service Order data
- MariaDB storing tasks when executing service Order
Drawio border true viewerToolbar true fitWindow false diagramDisplayName ExternalAPI runtime architecture lbox true revision 23 diagramName ExternalAPI runtime architecture simpleViewer false width links auto tbstyle top diagramWidth 231541
This needs to be updated
7. New Capabilities in this Release
- External API architecture: https://docs.onap.org/en/casablancalatest/submodules/externalapi/nbi.git/docs/architecturereleasenotes/architecturereleasenotes.html
- External API interface: https://docs.onap.org/en/casablanca/_downloads/8cce799c6c8f3f5916f265c52ab60ba7/nbicallflow.pdf