Interface Name | Interface Definition | Interface Capabilities |
DMaaP-1 | DMaaP Controller Interface Allows a DMaaP User to control the behaviour of DMaaP | Provides services to enable a DMaaP user to:
DMaaP-2 | DMaaP Message Router Source Interface Provices a message sending service to the DMaaP user | The message sender can: E.
DMaaP-3 | DMaaP Message Router Consuming Interface Provides a message recieving service to the DMaaP user | The message reciever can:
DMaaP-4 | DMaaP Data Routing Source Interface Provides a data sending serivce to the DMaaP user | The data sender can:
DMaaP-5 | DMaaP Data Routing Comsumption Interface Provides a data consumtion service to the DMaaP user | The data consumer can:
Note: xxxI interface is a Component internal interface. xxxxE interface is a component external interface
6. System Deployment Architecture
DMaaP consists of 2 of 3 containers:
- One container for the data movement director and the data bus controller
- One container for the data router and message routerDMaaP Message Router
- DMaaP Data Router
- DMaaP Buss Controller
I wasn't sure what was correct, hence I didn't update this Drawio border true viewerToolbar true fitWindow false diagramName DMaaP runtime architecture simpleViewer false width diagramWidth 821 revision 1 2
This needs to be updated as this is not likely correct.
7. New Capabilities in this Release
- DMaaP - Message Router
- Upgrade Kafka to v1.1.1
- Support for Authenticated topics
- Add scalign support
- Support for multi-site applications
- Add Mirrormaket to allo for message replication accross Kfka clusters
- DMaaP - data router
- Date Router updates to support 5G Bulk PM use case
- DMaaP - Bus Controller
- DMaaP Provisioning via Bus Controller
8. References
- CLAMP Overview & User GuideDMaaP on readthedocs: https://docs.onap.readthedocs.io.org/en/casablanca/guides/onap-developer/developing/index.html#data-management-as-a-platform-data-bus-controller
- Message Router: https://docs.onap.org/en/latestcasablanca/submodules/dmaap/clampmessagerouter/messageservice.git/docs/offeredapis/indexofferedapis.html CLAMP
- internal interfacesController: https://docs.onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_downloads/d3c9f924c6586fe411d40a05ad9b1bb7/swagger.pdf .org/en/casablanca/submodules/dmaap/dbcapi.git/docs/api.html
- Data Router: https://docs.onap.org/en/casablanca/submodules/dmaap/datarouter.git/docs/index.html