BBS Properties Per HSIA CFS Service Instance | Input Source | ONAP Components that must fetch the value from A&AI | Does it really need A&AI storage? | A&AI MetanameĀ (for Metadata) |
RG MAC Address | Service Order via Ext API It also comes in the CPE Authentication Event | bbs-event-processor DCAE microservice (it fetches existing value from A&AI to compare it with the new value coming from PNF CPE authentication event in order to deduce if there is any mismatch) | Yes, as metadata of CFS service instance | rgw-mac-address |
Correlation ID (PNF-name) | Service Order via Ext API It also comes in the sourceName of the PNF registration event's commonEventHeader | Yes, as property of PNF object | ||
Service Type | Service Order via Ext API | SO / bbs-apex-policy (during Access Connectivity and Internet Profile VFCs creation & update) | Yes, as metadata of CFS service instance | service-type |
Access ID | PNF registration event | SDN-C or SO? / bbs-apex-policy (during Internet Profile VFC creation & update) | Yes, as metadata of CFS service instance | accessremote-id |
Upstream Speed | Service Order via Ext API | SDN-C or SO? / bbs-apex-policy (during Internet Profile VFC creation & update) | Yes, as metadata of CFS service instance | up-speed |
Downstream Speed | Service Order via Ext API | SDN-C or SO? / bbs-apex-policy (during Internet Profile VFC creation & update) | Yes, as metadata of CFS service instance | down-speed |
OLT Name | PNF registration event (extracted from attachment point) | |||
OLT PON port | PNF registration event (extracted from attachment point) | |||
OLT PON slot | PNF registration event (extracted from attachment point) | |||
CVLAN | PNF registration event Service Order via Ext API [optional - if not provided by Access SDN M&C] | SDN-C or SO? / bbs-apex-policy (during Internet Profile VFC creation & update) | Yes, as metadata of CFS service instance | cvlan |
SVLAN | PNF registration event Service Order via Ext API [optional - if not provided by Access SDN M&C] | SDN-C or SO? / bbs-apex-policy (during Internet Profile VFC creation & update) | Yes, as metadata of CFS service instance | svlan |
Expected ONT ID | Service Order via Ext API [optional] | SDN-C or SO? (for Access Connectivity VFC creation) | Yes, as metadata of CFS service instance | expected-ont-id |
CPE Manufacturer | PNF registration event | Yes, as property of PNF object | Not Applicable | |
CPE Model | PNF registration event | Yes, as property of PNF object | Not Applicable | |
CPE Equipment Type | PNF registration event | Yes, as property of PNF object | Not Applicable | |
CPE Serial Number | PNF registration event | Yes, as property of PNF object | Not Applicable | |
CPE SW Version | PNF registration eventĀ (also present in CPE Authentication Event) | Yes, as property of PNF object | Not Applicable | |
Attachment Point (Not a real BBS modeling property, since its constituent parts are captured in other model properties) | PNF registration event | bbs-event-processor DCAE microservice (it fetches existing value from A&AI to compare it with the new value coming from PNF re-registration event in order to deduce if it is a true relocation) | Yes, as value of link-name property of a logical-link bridged to the PNF object | Not Applicable |
ONT NNI Port | CPE PNF onboarding in SDC? | |||
OLT NNI Slot | Infrastructure bootstraping (manual script) ? | |||
OLT NNI Port | Infrastructure bootstraping (manual script) ? |