externalAPI, externalapi/nbi/
Contributor's Name: Adrian OSullivan
Contributor's LFID: aosull01
Link(s) demonstrating the Contributor's established history of meritocratic contributions to the project:
Active participation in project meetings, ONAP usecases conception, code implementation, see Adrian OSullivan
Main Dublin developer for externalapi/nbi: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/q/owner:adrian.osullivan%2540huawei.com
List of current Committers (as documented here: Resources and Repositories): Andy Mayer; Raluca Sirbu; mark gibson Eric Debeau Matthieu Geerebaert
Link documenting the existing Committers voting in favor of promoting the Contributor:
Repositories the new Committer should be granted permissions to:
externalAPI, externalapi/nbi/