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diagramNameDMaaP System Context View

DMaaP is comonent that provides data movement services that transports and processes data from any source to any target.  It provides the capability to:


 Display and update:

Events recieved and actions taken on the control loop.
Interface NameInterface Definition Interface Capabilities
DMaaP-1Control Loop Lifecycle Management Interface.   A user interface for:
  • Selecting the control loop flow
  • entering configuration policy paramaters
  • entering operational policy parameters
  • Managing lifecycle of DCAE conrol flow blueprint 
CLAMPE-2Control loop dashboard.  User interface to show the overall status of the control loop through DMAAP events

DMaaP Controller Interface

Allows a DMaaP User to control the behaviour of DMaaP

  Provides services to enable a DMaaP user to:
  • a

DMaaP Message Router Source Interface

Provices a message sending service to the DMaaP user

 Display and update:

  • E.

DMaaP Message Router Consuming Interface

Provides a message recieving service to the DMaaP user


DMaaP Data Routing Source Interface

Provides a data sending serivce to the DMaaP user


DMaaP Data Routing Comsumption Interface

Provides a data consumtion service to the DMaaP user

Note:   xxxI interface is a Component internal interface.  xxxxE interface is a component external interface

The current API documents can be found at:


The following interfaces are consumed by DMaaP

Interface NamePurpose Reason For Use
SDCE-6To Recieve the Control Loop Blueprint from SDCTo recieve
PolicyE-2To create and configure the closed Loop Operational Policies and Confguration policies(DCAE Aps. Config.)
DCAEE-x Retrieve DCAE appplication status
DCAEE-y Deploy/remove DCAE application. 

3. Component Description:

A more detailed figure and description of the component.

<< For later inclusion >>

4. known system limitations

Runtime: None

Clamp data redundancy is dependant on kubernetes and the persisten volume.



3. Component Description:

DMaaP consists of 4 software syatems

  • Message Router (MR) - Message Router is a reliable, high-volume pub/sub messaging service with a RESTful HTTP API. It is intended to be deployed by Platform Service providers so that it is available to Platform clients as a web service. The service is initially built over Apache Kafka.
  • Data Router (DR) - The Data Routing System project is intended to provide a common framework by which data producers can make data available to data consumers and a way for potential consumers to find feeds with the data they require. The interface to DR is exposed as a RESTful web service known as the DR Publishing and Delivery API
  • Data Movement Director (DMD) - A client to DMaaP platform to publish & subscribe data.
  • Data Bus Controller - Provisioning API of the Data Movement Platform

Futher detailing will be done later.

4. known system limitations

To be documented

5. Used Models

DMaaP uses the following models:


6. System Deployment Architecture

DMaaP consists of X 2 containers:


  • One container for the data movement director and the data bus controller
  • One container for the data router and message router

diagramNameDMaaP runtime architecture

I wasn't sure what was correct, hence I didn't update this

7. New Capabilities in this Release
