Drawio | ||||||||||||||||||
is comonent that provides data movement services that transports and processes data from any source to any target. It provides the
capability to
Support the tranfer of messages between ONAP components, as well as to other components
Support the transfer of data between ONAP comonents as well as to other components.
Data Filtering capabilities
Data Compression capabilties
Data routing (file based transport)
Message routing (event based transport)
Batch and event based processing
The data providers and data consumers are
- Service Design and Creation
- Policy
- Data Collection Analytics and Events
- Other
2. DMaaP API definitions
Interface Name | Interface Definition | Interface Capabilities |
CLAMPEDMaaP-1 | Control Loop Lifecycle Management Interface. | A user interface for:
CLAMPE-2 | Control loop dashboard. User interface to show the overall status of the control loop through DMAAP events | Display and update:
Drawio border true viewerToolbar true fitWindow false diagramName CLAMP DMaaP runtime architectruearchitecture simpleViewer false width diagramWidth 821 revision 1