- ...
- ...
- Start NBI, SDC, AAI & SO modules
- Populate SDC & AAI with test datas
Test cases
Test case | Description | test scenario | response code | response body |
NBI Healthcheck | check if NBI is started | GET /Status |
200 | body status : "ok" | |
NBI ServiceCatalog : Retrieve a ServiceSpecification | Retrieve a ServiceSpecification (NBI calls SDC module) | GET /ServiceSpecification/{serviceSpecId} |
200 | the serviceSpecification | |
NBI ServiceCatalog : Retrieve the ServiceSpecifications | Retrieve the ServiceSpecifications (NBI calls SDC module) | GET /ServiceSpecification |
200 | the serviceSpecifications | |
NBI ServiceInventory : Retrieve a service instance | Retrieve a service instance (NBI calls AAI module) | GET /service/{serviceInstanceId} |
200 | the service instance | |
NBI ServiceInventory : Retrieve the service instances | Retrieve the service instances (NBI calls AAI module) | GET /service |
200 | the service instances | |
NBI ServiceOrder : instanciate a new Service | POSTÂ a serviceOrder to instanciate. NBI calls the serviceCatalog and ServiceInventory module to check the order, and calls SO | POST /serviceOrder with a test serviceOrder |
201 | order status : "acknowledged" | |
PUT /test/serviceOrder/{serviceOrderId} |
200 | order and order items status : "acknowledged" |
GET /serviceOrder/{serviceOrderId} |
200 | order and order items status : "completed" | |
NBI Hub module : | subscribe to NBI notifications | POST /hub with a test hub |
201 |