- Develop basic service assurance microservice supporting ONAP Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) format
- TCA application
- TCA format explained in "Table 1: Format of the Output Alert from the cdap-tca-hi-lo Microservice"
- Policy R3 Casablanca - Control Loop Operational Policy
- TCA application
- Hardcoding of various parameters acceptable
Stretch Goals
- vRops VMware service assurance product integration testing
- ONAP Lab Integration
- Create Kafka topic “edge-analytics-central-<id>” in DMaaP (Kafka) broker for publishing alert from "service-assurance" normalization microservice in ONAP TCA format
- Helm Chart and Dockerfile for "service-assurance" Normalization Microservice - Ramki - mostly complete
- vRops VMware Service Assurance Product Analytics API investigation for TCA w/ future proofing for Smarts - Girish/Ramki - in progress
- Code development for "service-assurance" Normalization Microservice - TBD (expected to be 2 weeks or less)
- Program DMaaP (Kafka) client in normalization microservice to publish on “edge-analytics-central-<id>”
- Receive TCA Alert using vROps API VMware Service Assurance Product API and publish on “edge-analytics-central-<id>”
vROps References
1VMware Service Assurance Product References
1) https://xtremio.me/2012/08/09/emc-smarts-part-i-overview-architecture/
2) vROps guides: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html
23) vROps REST API samples for alert etc.: https://github.com/vmwaresamples/vrops-restapi-samples/blob/master/Samples/vRealize%20Operations%206.postman_collection.json