It is possible to generate policy types using MDD (Model Driven Development) techniques. Policy types are expressed using a DSL (Domain Specific Language) or a policy specification environment for a particular application domain. For example, policy types for specifying SLAs could be expressed in a SLA DSL and policy types for managing SON features could be generated from a visual SON management tool. The ONAP Policy framework provides an API that allows tool chains to create policy types. SDC uses this approach for generating Policy Types in the Policy Framework, see the Model driven Control Loop Design page.
The SDC GUI supports several types of policies that can be captured at design time. DCAE micro service configuration policies can be onboarded via the DCAE-DS (DCAE Design Studio).
The GUI implementation in another ONAP component such as SDC or the DCAE-DS uses the API_User API to create and edit ONAP policies. Note that this puts an impact on those components. Programming Policy Type Implementations
A more formal approach is preferred. For policy type implementations, programmers use a specific Eclipse project type for developing each type of implementation, a Policy Type Implementation SDK. The project is under source control in git. This Eclipse project is structured correctly for creating implementations for a specific type of PDP. It includes the correct POM files for generating the policy type implementation and has editors and perspectives that aid programmers in their work.
2.2.2 Policy Design
The PolicyCreation function of PolicyDevelopment creates policies from a policy type. The information expressed during policy type design is used to parameterize a policy type to create an executable policy. A service designer and/or operations team can use tooling that reads the TOSCA Policy Type specifications to express and capture a policy at its highest abstraction level. Alternatively, the parameter for the policy can be expressed in a raw JSON or YAML file and posted over the policy design API described on the Model driven Control Loop Design page.
In Step 9 above, the PolicyDesign must send back/publish status events to SDC such as DOWNLOAD_OK, DOWNLOAD_ERROR, DEPOLY_OK, DEPOLY_ERROR, NOTIFIED. Model Driven Policy Design via another ONAP Component's GUI
The SDC GUI supports several types of policies that can be captured during design time. DCAE micro service configuration policies can be onboarded via the DCAE-DS (DCAE Design Studio).
The GUI implementation in another ONAP component such as SDC or the DCAE-DS uses the API_User API to create and edit ONAP policies. Note that this puts an impact on those components. Scripted Model Driven Policy Design