Versions Compared


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Test Case IDData_Router_02
Test Case NameSubscribe to feed
DescriptionConfirm that a subscription to  a feed can be created by sending a POST request to the data-router provisioning server
  • All components of data-router are running
  • A feed with ID 1 is created
Testing Steps

StepExpected Result

Send POST request with a JSON subscription object in the body to https://dmaap-dr-prov:8443/subscribe/<feedId>


Code Block

Response Code: 201

Conclusion (Pass/Fail)PASS -
Testing LabEricsson Lab / CSIT


Test Case IDData_Router_03
Test Case NameSubscribe to feed with privileged subscription
DescriptionConfirm that a privileged subscription to a feed can be created by sending a POST request to the data-router provisioning server
  • All components of data-router are running
  • A feed with ID 1 is created
Testing Steps

StepExpected Result

Send POST request with a JSON privileged subscription object in the body to https://dmaap-dr-prov:8443/subscribe/<feedId>


Code Block

Response Code: 201

Conclusion (Pass/Fail)PASS -
Testing LabEricsson Lab / CSIT


Test Case IDData_Router_04
Test Case NamePublish file to feed
DescriptionConfirm that a file can be published to a feed
  • All components of data-router are running
  • A feed with ID 1 is created
Testing Steps

StepExpected Result
Send PUT request with a file in the body to https://dmaap-dr-prov:8443/publish/<feedid>/<fileName>

Redirected to https://dmaap-dr-node:8443/publish/1<feedId>/csit_test<fileName>

Response Code: 301

Send PUT request with a file in the body to https://dmaap-dr-node:8443/publish/<feedid>/<fileName>  Response Code: 204

Conclusion (Pass/Fail)PASS -
Testing LabEricsson Lab / CSIT


Test Case IDData_Router_05
Test Case NameVerify subscriber receives published file
DescriptionConfirm that a file is delivered to a subscriber of a feed that has had a file published to it
  • All components of data-router are running
  • A feed with ID 1 is created
  • A subscriber has subscribed to this feed 1
  • A publisher has published a file to this feed 1
Testing Steps

StepExpected Result

Run "ls /opt/app/subscriber/delivery | grep csit_test<fileName>" on the subscriber-node container

Response: csit_test<fileName>

Response Code: 0

Conclusion (Pass/Fail)PASS -
Testing LabEricsson Lab / CSIT


Test Case IDData_Router_06
Test Case NameDelete processed file from datarouter-node
DescriptionConfirm that the file delivered to the privileged subscriber remains on dr-node and use the delete API to remove it
  • All components of data-router are running
  • A feed with ID 1 is created
  • A privileged subscriber has subscribed to this feed 1
  • A publisher has published a file to this feed 1
Testing Steps

StepExpected Result

Run "ls /opt/app/datartr/spool/s/0/2 <subId> | grep dmaap-dr-node | grep -v .M" on the datarouter-node container

Response: <fileName>

Response Code: 0

Send DELETE request to https://dmaap-dr-node:8443/delete/<subid>/<fileName>  Response Code: 200
Run "ls /opt/app/datartr/spool/s/0/2 <subId> | grep dmaap-dr-node | grep -v .M" on the datarouter-node container to verify file was deletedResponse Code: 1

Conclusion (Pass/Fail)PASS -
Testing LabEricsson Lab / CSIT
