This page shows the extensions and changes made in R3 clean version VNFD model compared with ETSI IFA011 v2.5.1.
Attribute Name | Type | Multiplicity | Description | Applied Stereotypes |
virtualCpuPinningPolicy | Enum | 0..1 | The policy can take values of "static" or "dynamic". In case of "static" the virtual CPU cores are requested to be allocated to logical CPU cores according to the rules defined in virtualCpuPinningRules. In case of "dynamic" the allocation of virtual CPU cores to logical CPU cores is decided by the VIM. (e.g.: SMT (Simultaneous Multi-Threading) requirements). | OpenModelAttribute
virtualCpuPinningRule | Not specified | 0..1 | A list of rules that should be considered during the allocation of the virtual CPUs to logical CPUs in case of "static" virtualCpuPinningPolicy. | OpenModelAttribute
Attribute Name | Type | Multiplicity | Description | Applied Stereotypes | Category | Rationale |
additionalVnfcConfigurableProperty | String | 0..N | It provides VNFC configurable properties that can be modified using the ModifyVnfInfo operation. NOTE: A cardinality of "0" indicates that configuring this present VNF property is not supported. | OpenModelAttribute
| type specified |
Attribute Name | Type | Multiplicity | Description | Applied Stereotypes | Category | Rationale |
collectionPeriod | Enum (CollectionPeriod) but with no enumeration literals defined | 0..1 | An attribute that describes the recommended periodicity at which to collect the performance information. VNFM determines if this parameter is considered. The vendor may provide this information as a guidance for creating PmJobs if needed. NOTE: The MANO or NFVI may not support the recommended collectionPeriod based on their functionalities, and can reject the requests based on the recommended collectionPeriod in this case. | OpenModelAttribute
| type specified |