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  • SO-ETSI-VNFM Adapter for Dublin Presentation slide deck at ONAP Paris 2019


    • Vendor SVNFM must be "SOL003-compliant"
    • Providing SOL003 APIs for VNFM LCM, based on ETSI VNFLifecycleManagement
    • Registration itself to ONAP (thru A&AI ESR) - Name, Type, Vendor, Version, URL, VIM, Username and Password
    • Providing Subscription Services for Life-cycle Management Notifications
    • Support of the "Direct Mode" of Resource Management only
      • After receiving a grant permission, the VNFM sends requests for resources directly to VIM
      • Invoking MultiCloud from VNFM is under discussion, but not for Dublin
      • The "Indirect Mode" of Resource Management is being discussed, but not for Dublin


      • Terminate VNF

        • HTTP Method Type: POST

        • VNFM Endpoint: /vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/terminate

        • Request Payload: TerminateVnfRequest

        • Response Header: 202 success

        • Response Body: not applicable

        • Design
          • VNF precondition = INSTANTIATED state
          • After the operation, VNF state = NOT_INSTANTIATED 
          • VNFM Adapter sends a POST request to the Task resource that represents the lifecycle operation to be executed on the VNF instance, and includes in the payload body a data structure of type TerminateVNFRequest (VNFM Adapter → VNFM); POST ../vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/terminate
          • VNFM Creates a "VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource for the request (VNFM → VNFM Adapter)
          • VNFM returns a "202 Accepted" response with an empty payload body and a "Location" HTTP header that points to the new "VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource (VNFM → VNFM Adapter); .../vnf_lcm_op_occs/{vnfLcmOpOccId}
          • VNFM sends to the VNFM Adapter a VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence notification to indicate the start of the lifecycle management operation occurrence with the "STARTING" state
          • VNFM and VNFM Adapter exchange granting information (see Granting section)
          • VNFM sends to the VNFM Adapter a VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence notification to indicate that the VNF LCM operation occurrence enters the "PROCESSING" state
          • VNFM Adapter polls the "VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource to obtain information about the ongoing operation by sending a GET request to the resource that represents the VNF LCM operation occurrence.
          • VNFM returns to the VNFM Adapter information of the operation, such as the operation status, by providing in the payload body a data structure of type "VnfLcmOpOcc"
          • VNFM has finished the operation <<Operation>>
          • VNFM sends a VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence notification to VNFM Adapter to indicate the completion of the lifecycle management operation occurrence with the success state "COMPLETED"
          • Note: its communication exchange pattern is the same as the Instantiate VNF.
          • Parameters and Data source

            ParameterRequired?Data SourceNote
            terminationTypeYesfrom user input
            gracefulTerminationTimeoutOptionalfrom VNFDuser inputThis attribute is only applicable in case of graceful termination. The unit is seconds
            additionalParamsOptionfrom VNFD
