VNF specific HealthCheck is available on the VNF, execute the VNF HealthCheck on the VNF:
Connect to the VNF via (REST, Chef or Ansible) via the endpoint configured in the APPC CDT Tool.
Initiate the VNF HealthCheck on the VNF.
- APPC will obtain VNF details from A&AI
- Including:
- vserver details in order to enable checking each VM/VNFC in the VNF
- APPC performs HealthCheck on each vserver via Cloud Provider API
- Obtain Cloud Provider details.
- Connect to the Cloud Provider for each VM/VNFC
- I.e. for OpenStack Compute API:
- Show Server Details
- /servers/{server_id} /“OS-EXT-STS:vm_state”
- Mark VM/VNFC Failed marking the state.
- If any state other than “active” the HealthCheck for the VM/VNFC will be marked failed.
- I.e. for OpenStack Compute API:
- IF ANY VM/VNFC is in a failed state the overall HealthCheck of the VNF will return failed along with the failure reason in the HealthCheck response payload.
VNF level HealthCheck response will: