SO-ETSI-VNFM Adapter for Dublin Presentation slide deck at ONAP Paris 2019
- Vendor SVNFM must be "SOL003-compliant"
- Providing SOL003 APIs for VNFM LCM, based on ETSI VNFLifecycleManagement
- Use swagger for providing services
- Create
- Instantiate
- Query
- Grant request to SO VNFM Adapter, as a client
- Life cycle notification
- Registration itself to ONAP (thru A&AI ESR) - Name, Type, Vendor, Version, URL, VIM, Username and Password
- Providing Subscription Services for Life-cycle Management Notifications
- Support of the "Direct Mode" of Resource Management only
- After receiving a grant permission, the VNFM sends requests for resources directly to VIM
- Invoking MultiCloud from VNFM is under discussion, but not for Dublin
- The "Indirect Mode" of Resource Management is being discussed, but not for Dublin
- There is an assumption that SDC transforms the vendor provided VNF package into ONAP-compliant one; i.e., deducing VF Modules based on VNFD ScalingAspects and Delta.
- If SDC supports the transformation in Dublin time-frame, the transformed CSAR will be imported to SO, and SO VNF- and VF-Module-level workflows will manage VNF and VF Module topology towards SDNC with the following changes - Input from Gil Bullard (AT&T)
- Today the VNF-level workflow has an embedded per-VF Module loop that a) retrieves the SDNC assignments for that VF Module, and then b) sends those VF Module-level assignments down to the VIM (e.g., OpenStack); the loop then moves to repeat "a" with the next VF Module.
- The new VNF-level flow will have the following sequences:
- an embedded per-VF Module loop that only retrieves the SDNC assignments for each VF Module; because the VIM is hidden from SO's sight, beneath the VNFM Adapter/VNFM.
- After finishing the loop, the SO workflows will send a structure to the VNFM Adapter that includes the aggregate assignments at the VNF level.
- The VNFM Adapter aggregates all the VF-Module level assignments and transforms the assignment data into SOL003 API parameters before sending them to SVFNMSVNFM
- The VNFM Adapter would need to be able to parse the VNF-level assignments structure received from SO to obtain the per-VDU connection point assignments information and any per-VDU parameter information (e.g., hostnames)
- In doing so, the VNFM Adapter would need to know to ignore the VF Module groupings of these assignments
- Further know how to map the ONAP data structure and parameter names into the ETSI (e.g., VM=VDU, VNFC=VNFC, vNIC=vNIC, etc.). Note that the above assumes that in ONAP, as in ETSI, there will be a one-to-one correspondence between VM/VDU and VNFC.
- VNFM Adapter supports VNF Package Management Interface
- Accepts the "Get VNF packages" request and returns VnfPkgInfo[]
- Accepts the "Get VNFD" request and returns Vnfd
- Accepts the "Get VNF artifact" request and return Artifact file
- VNFM Adapter supports VNF Package Management Interface
Getting multiple VNF packages
- VNFM queries information about multiple VNF packages (VNFM → VNFM Adapter); GET .../vnf_packages
- VNFM Adapter returns a "200 OK" response and includes in the payload body zero or more data structures of type "VnfPkgInfo" (VNFM Adapter → VNFM); 200 OK (VnfPkgInfo[])
Getting a particular VNF Package
- VNFM sends a GET request to the "Individual VNF package" resource (VNFM → VNFM Adapter); GET .../vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId}
- VNFM Adapter returns a "200 OK" response and includes in the payload body a data structure of type "VnfPkgInfo" (VNFM Adapter → VNFM); 200 OK (VnfPkgInfo)
Reading the VNFD of an onboarded VNF Package
- VNFM sends a GET request to the "VNFD in an individual VNF package" resource (VNFM → VNFM Adapter); GET .../vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId}/vnfd
- VNFM Adapter returns a "200 OK" response and includes a copy of the VNFD from the VNF package in the payload body (VNFM Adapter → VNFM); 200 OK (Vnfd)
Fetching a VNF package artifact
- VNFM sends a GET request to the "Individual VNF package artifact" resource (VNFM → VNFM Adapter); GET .../vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId}/artifacts/{artifactPath}
- VNFM Adapter returns a "200 OK" response, and includes a copy of the applicable artifact file from the VNF package in the payload body (VNFM Adapter → VNFM); 200 OK (artifact file)
Package management subscription and notification are not consider at this time, future consideration.
VNFM Adapter Locating SVNFM