NEW ZOOM BRIDGE: To Join: https://zoom.us/j/340810232
RECORDING: zoom_0.mp4
- Introductions
- Discuss JIRA tickets for modeling & VNF Requirements to stay in sync Steven wright
- Please review: https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/DW/Dublin+Release+Plan+for+VNFRQTS
Provide any feedback by this week.
- Need more input on TOSCA format requirements for the VNFD Package
- Mapping of information elements to requirements
- Explore containerized VNFs with HELM chart.
- Update : ETSI PNF Package Descriptor Michela BevilacquaUpdate on VNF package security implementation in ONAP R3 and R4 (SOL004) andreik
- Sync up SDC implementation, and provide update with VNF Requirements
- Update: ETSI PNF Package Descriptor Michela Bevilacqua (Next week)
- Update on NSD model mapping Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed) and Michela Bevillarqua (Next week)
- Using VCPE Use Case
- Mapping NS CSAR to SOL001
- Compare SOL001 to SDC representation
- Identify properties and datatypes that may be needed
- Discuss JIRA tickets for modeling & VNF Requirements to stay in sync Steven wright
- Please review: https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/DW/Dublin+Release+Plan+for+VNFRQTS
Provide any feedback by early next week.
- Need more input on TOSCA format requirements for the VNFD Package
- Mapping of information elements to requirements
- Explore containerized VNFs with HELM chart.
- Update: ETSI PNF Package Descriptor Michela Bevilacqua
- Created sample CSAR file for PNF Package
- See: ONAP R4+ Onboarding PNF package format, non-MANO artifacts set definition and PNF package mapping
- Use of Public name; Address security options
- Update on VNF package security implementation in ONAP R3 and R4 (SOL004) andreik
- Sync up SDC implementation, and provide update with VNF Requirements
- Update on NSD model mapping Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed) and Michela Bevillarqua
- Using VCPE Use Case
- Mapping NS CSAR to SOL001
- Compare SOL001 to SDC representation
- Identify properties and datatypes that may be needed
- ETSI Update; SOL006 YANG Descriptor andreik
- SOL006 is stable and will be draft (VMWare is driving)
- Added YANG package to SOL004 (CSAR can include either TOSCA or YANG descriptor)
- VES Descriptor Update: Kevin Scaggs; alok411
- Update: PNF Package Michela Bevilacqua Zu Qiang
- Update on SDC and VNF RQT discussions
- ETSI Update; SOL006 YANG Descriptor
- Update: TOSCA Orchestration in ONAP Topic (need to discuss in architecture) Alex Vul