1/2/19 - APPC Project Weekly Minute
Participants:Takamune Cho, Patrick Brady, Aaron Hay,Ramya Balaji, Joss Armstrong, Surendra Reddy, Fari Behi
- Casablanca Mtn Release status
- Dublin release plan
- Casablanca Mtn Release: 1/10/2019 Docker release, 1/24/2019 release note, 1/31/2019 Sign-off
Issues/Bugs fix: CCSDK new image, DMaap issue - Dublin M1 Planning: (draft) 1/17/2019
- ODL upgrade: Fluorine SR2
- Platform Maturity:
- Performance:
- unzip feature.zip during building docker.
- Remove un-used bundles from CCSDK’s odlsli
- Reduce the flow between bundles – R5 or later
- Stability: Configuration Enhancement https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/APPC+Configuration+Enhancement
- Manageability: logging Enhancement https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=28378955
- Scalability: Clustering env with downstream: netconf, ansible,
- Resiliency:
- CII Badge Silver level: 80% test coverage??
- OOM: move to variable for database’s user/password
ScaleInNew ConfigScaleIn LCM actiondistributeTraffic support on VM level- Change Management (CM)
- Controller Design Studio (CDS)
Runtime: manage a switcher in APPC to know the coming request is LCM action or blueprint TOSCA – R5- Design time: CDT/CDS GUI integration