- Tian Lee to update to use the latest version (1.1.3) in pom.xml.
- Tian Lee and/or Mark Tooski to create project for Model loader
- Dmaap dependencies - Venkata Harish Kajur to complete resources, traversal.
- CII Badging: Venkata Harish Kajur targets 23 March - aai.common
- CII Badging: Francis Paquette will have by code freeze - router.core
- James Forsyth to follow-up with Zi Lion ESR docker tag
- James Forsyth to look at automated solution from Sonar for code coverage limit/policy for Casablanca release'
- James Forsyth - create US - releasing current versions for each repo -
Jira Legacy server System Jira columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 key AAI-1050 - James Forsyth - create US - remove reference to internal snapshots for each repo
Jira Legacy server System Jira columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 key AAI-1052 - James Forsyth - create US - v12 versus v13
Jira Legacy server System Jira columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 key AAI-1051 - James Forsyth - investigate CSIT jobs for validating services.
- James Forsyth and Venkata Harish Kajur - Look at automated PoC polling script, add test coverage.
- Venkata Harish Kajur to work with Marco to see if can be done in the lab with Janus Graph
- Venkata Harish Kajur to follow-up with getting clarification on the ask from Karen Jacobs.
- James Forsyth - look at reporting vulnerabilities of Janus Graph
- James Forsyth - Write JIRA ticket for http4.5 event-client
- Zi Li - Needs to check Nexus IQ report for ESR server
- Venkata Harish Kajur - Look @ Nexus-IQ common report - high priority
- Francis Paquette - Follow up with the sparky certificate