From a high-level perspective, the proposal will allow VSP, when uploaded into SDC, to go through a set of checks to make sure it is (1) compliant to the deployment environment and (2) fetch prior certifications. The checks can be done during the VSP validation stage by implementing two plug-ins to SDC and introducing a "registry" to be consulted during the VSP validation stage. . The registry is planned to be implemented as a discrete component outside ONAP. for the purpose of developing and integrating to SDC the two plug-ins. Figure 1 shows the proposal in a high-level view.
As outlined in the Rationale section above, integrating these checks into SDC will allow queries to VTP and OVP, as well as to third-party repositories. Figure 3 below shows such the vision of checks specifically to VTP and OVP. , and Figure 4 below shows such the overarching VTP-based program for compliance, validations, and testing. LFN CVP vision.
Figure 3: Vision of checks to VTP and to OVP portal. Figure 4: Overarching LFN CVP vision.
Metadata Tags
We need an agreed list of metadata tags plus a list of the values those tags can take in order to effect compliance checks.
Tags Metadata tags should include the necessary ETSI NFV SOL1 data items in the VNFD – if ETSI says some of these are optional and we think they should be mandatory then we should say soidentify them.
Links to any additional resources referenced in or related to this proposal.