Note this includes all different levels of section headings in the .rst files.
Row Labels | Count of ID |
{network-role} | 9 |
{vm-type} | 8 |
<param name> | 1 |
Addressing and Delivery Protocol | 8 |
All Layer Redundancy | 9 |
Ansible Client Requirements | 13 |
Ansible Playbook Requirements | 13 |
Application Configuration Management | 3 |
Application Resilient Error Handling | 11 |
Asynchronous and Synchronous Data Delivery | 10 |
Base Modules | 2 |
Boot Options | 3 |
Bulk Performance Measurement | 3 |
Bulk Telemetry Transmission | 1 |
Capability Types | 1 |
Chef Client Requirements | 4 |
Chef Roles/Requirements | 10 |
Cinder Volume Modules | 2 |
Common Event Header | 1 |
Compute, Network, and Storage Requirements | 7 |
Configuration Commands | 6 |
Configuration Management | 2 |
Configuration Management via Ansible | 4 |
Configuration Management via Chef | 2 |
Configuration Management via NETCONF/YANG | 1 |
constraints | 6 |
Contrail Issue with Values for OS::Nova::Server Property Name | 1 |
Contrail Issue with Values for the Property Name | 1 |
Data Structure Specification of the Event Record | 4 |
Data Types | 2 |
default | 2 |
deletion_policy | 1 |
depends_on | 1 |
Deployment Optimization | 8 |
description | 2 |
Environment File Format | 8 |
environment_context | 5 |
External Networks | 9 |
external_id | 1 |
General | 5 |
Google Protocol Buffers (GPB) | 2 |
HealthCheck and Failure Related Commands | 1 |
Heat Files Support (get_file) | 4 |
heat_template_version | 1 |
hidden | 1 |
immutable | 1 |
Incremental Modules | 2 |
Intelligent Transaction Distribution & Management | 3 |
Interface Route Table Prefixes for Contrail InterfaceRoute Table | 3 |
Interface Types | 1 |
Internal Networks | 10 |
Items to Note | 8 |
JSON | 1 |
label | 1 |
Licensing Requirements | 9 |
Lifecycle Management Related Commands | 10 |
metadata | 1 |
Minimize Cross Data-Center Traffic | 1 |
Miscellaneous | 3 |
Monitoring & Dashboard | 8 |
Nested Heat file | 2 |
Nested Heat Orchestration Templates Overview | 3 |
Nested Heat Template Requirements | 9 |
NETCONF Server Requirements | 61 |
OAM Management IP Addresses | 5 |
ONAP Base Module Output Parameters | 2 |
ONAP Base Module Output Parameters: | 1 |
ONAP Heat Cinder Volumes | 1 |
ONAP Heat Orchestration Template Filenames | 4 |
ONAP Heat Orchestration Template Format | 1 |
ONAP Heat VNF Modularity | 1 |
ONAP VNF Modularity Overview | 17 |
ONAP Volume Module Output Parameters | 3 |
ONAP Volume Template Output Parameters: | 1 |
Optional Property availability_zone | 1 |
OS::Cinder::Volume | 1 |
OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment | 1 |
OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp | 6 |
OS::ContrailV2::InterfaceRouteTable | 2 |
OS::ContrailV2::NetworkIpam | 2 |
OS::ContrailV2::PortTuple | 2 |
OS::ContrailV2::ServiceHealthCheck | 2 |
OS::ContrailV2::ServiceTemplate | 2 |
OS::ContrailV2::VirtualMachineInterface | 3 |
OS::ContrailV2::VirtualNetwork | 1 |
OS::Heat::CloudConfig | 2 |
OS::Heat::MultipartMime | 2 |
OS::Heat::ResourceGroup | 1 |
OS::Heat::ResourceGroup Property count | 1 |
OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig | 2 |
OS::Neutron::Net | 1 |
OS::Neutron::Port | 4 |
OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup | 6 |
OS::Neutron::Subnet | 1 |
OS::Nova::Keypair | 2 |
OS::Nova::Server | 1 |
OS::Nova::ServerGroup | 1 |
outputs | 1 |
parameters | 3 |
PNF Plug and Play | 19 |
properties | 1 |
Property: allowed_address_pairs, Map Property: ip_address | 1 |
Property: availability_zone | 4 |
Property: fixed_ips, Map Property: ip_address | 19 |
Property: fixed_ips, Map Property: subnet | 9 |
Property: flavor | 5 |
Property: image | 5 |
Property: Name | 7 |
Property: network | 5 |
Relationship Types | 1 |
Reporting Frequency | 2 |
Resource Configuration | 1 |
Resource Control Loop | 18 |
Resource Description | 11 |
resource ID | 2 |
Resource IDs | 8 |
Resource Property “name” | 3 |
Resource: OS::Nova::Server - Parameters | 1 |
resources | 3 |
REST APIs | 1 |
Scope of a Heat Orchestration Template | 2 |
Security | 4 |
Support of heat stack update | 2 |
System Resource Optimization | 10 |
Testing | 3 |
Transports and Protocols Supporting Resource Interfaces | 3 |
type | 4 |
update_policy | 1 |
vf_module_id | 5 |
vf_module_index | 6 |
vf_module_name | 5 |
VIP Assignment, External Networks, Supported by Automation | 10 |
Virtual Function - Container Recovery Requirements | 6 |
vm_role | 5 |
VNF API Security Requirements | 4 |
VNF Cryptography Requirements | 12 |
VNF Data Protection Requirements | 12 |
VNF Design | 19 |
VNF Devops | 13 |
VNF General Security Requirements | 24 |
VNF Identity and Access Management Requirements | 22 |
VNF Package Contents | 5 |
VNF Package Structure and Format | 2 |
VNF Security Analytics Requirements | 42 |
VNF telemetry via standardized interface | 1 |
vnf_id | 5 |
vnf_name | 5 |
workload_context | 5 |
xNF Telemetry using Google Protocol Buffers | 1 |
xNF Telemetry using VES/JSON Model | 1 |
YAML Format | 1 |
Grand Total | 789 |