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The simplest way to override the values is to copy the entire values.yaml file into a separate file (I use ~/oof-pci/override-sndc.yaml) and modify the relevant parameters in that new file. The new values are shown below. We identify the repository with the source image name and tag, create a cluster of three ODL members, and create a redundant MySQL deployment of two instances.
# Application configuration defaults.
# application images
pullPolicy: Always
#image: onap/sdnc-image:1.4.1
image: ft3e0tab7p92qsoceonq/oof-pci-sdnr:1.4.2-SNAPSHOT
nameOverride: sdnc-db
name: sdnc-dbhost
internalPort: 3306
nfsprovisionerPrefix: sdnc
sdnctlPrefix: sdnc
mountSubPath: sdnc/mysql
enabled: true
disableNfsProvisioner: true
replicaCount: 2
geoEnabled: false
# default number of instances
replicaCount: 3
The parameter "demo" is used to preface each ONAP component with "demo-" so we have "demo-sdnc," for example. The "./onap" parameter instructs helm to use that directory to guide the deployment. The "–namespace onap" parameter causes ONAP to be deployed into the kubernetes namespace "onap." The "-f ~/oof-pci/override-onap.yaml -f ~/oof-pci/override-sdnc.yaml" parameters instruct helm to override the parameters in the ~/git/oom/kubernetes/onap/values.yaml file with the values in the files following the "-f" option. There can be a series of override files, and the last file takes precedence.
Commands to
update the development image
If there is already an instance SDNC installed, it must be deleted before installing a new version. I use these commands.