- These test cases are for the POC. Only OOF-SDNR pairwsie test is part of integration testing for Casablanca and that has been competed.
- Policy pairwise testing status for Casablanca is tracked at Policy Pair Wise Testing for Casablanca Release.
- OOF testing status for Casablanca is tracked at
Pair-wise Testing
Anchor |
| Policy-OOF-pairwise-testing |
| Policy-OOF-pairwise-testing |
Policy↔OOF Pair-wise testing
Anchor |
| Policy-PCIMS-pairwise-testing |
| Policy-PCIMS-pairwise-testing |
Policy↔PCI-MS pairwise testing3.
Anchor |
| Policy-SDNR-pairwise-testing |
| Policy-SDNR-pairwise-testing |
Policy↔SDN-R pairwise testing4. OOF↔SDN-R pairwise testing
S.No. | Test case ID | Components | Test case | Status | Remarks |
1. | OOF_SDNR_PAIRWISE_001 | OOF, SDN-R | Config DB API access (for getNbrList) | Not tested |
5. OOF↔PCI-MS pairwise testing
6. SDN-R↔PCI-MS pairwise testing
S.No. | Test case ID | Components | Test case | Status | Remarks |
1. | SDNR_PCIMS_PAIRWISE_001 | SDN-R, PCI-MS | Handle neighbor list change notification from SDN-R | In progress | Generated a DMaaP notification and testing PCI-MS, real SDN-R not yet integrated |
2. | SDNR_PCIMS_PAIRWISE_002 | SDN-R, PCI-MS | Config DB API access (for getNbrList) | In progress |
3. | SDNR_PCIMS_PAIRWISE_003 | SDN-R, PCI-MS | Config DB API access (for pnfName) | Not tested |
7. SDN-R↔RAN pairwise testing
S.No. | Test case ID | Components | Test case | Status | Remarks |
1. | SDNR_RAN_PAIRWISE_001 | SDN-R, RAN (Sim) | Connecting SDN-R with RAN (Sim) (netconf servers) | In progress | Testing with a netconf client, not yet started with real SDN-R instance |
2. | SDNR_RAN_PAIRWISE_002 | SDN-R, RAN (Sim) | Receiving neighbor list change notification from RAN | Not tested |
3. | SDNR_RAN_PAIRWISE_003 | SDN-R, RAN (Sim) | Send netconf message(s) to RAN-Sim with the PCI changes | Not tested |
4. | SDNR_RAN_PAIRWISE_004 | SDN-R, RAN (Sim) | Successful update of PCI values | Not tested |