Scratch pad for Casablanca planning. Add unprioritized backlog items and user stories here. We will discuss collectively during VNFSDK team meetings.
- Enhance dovetail integration so we can use it in LFN Compliance/Verification testingtesting – Done, need merge the docker into one.
- Improvements to function test for better integration into the framework
- VoLTE related VNF come from Huawei to do the LFN?CVC testing. if vCPE folks have enough time, we could do this in R3.
- Incorporate vnfreqs testable requirements
- consistent support for HEAT/TOSCA VNFs (as defined in VNFReqs) - may not be 100% common
- modular marketplace framework to make it easier to plug in tests (maybe configurable per application such as compliance testing, operator-vendor engagement, 3rd party enhancements, etc.)
- Support SDC on boarding tests (maybe allow SDC to replace refrepo portal, but use vnfmarket-be for their own onboarding test engine
- Package data model enhancements (internal and onboarding models?)
- VES: multivim enhancements
- HPA, SOL-004 certificate, and other carry-over items
User Stories
- Use VNFSDK for LFN Compliance testing (package syntax testing)
- Operator uses VNFSDK for vendor engagement/acceptance testing (includes onboarding testing and/or operator-developed tests)
- 3rd party lab uses VNFSDK for extended VNF testing (may include functional, non-functional, and/or performance testing - tests developed by 3rd party labs)