Engagements | |||
Name | Description | Communities | ONAP Community Members Involved |
General OPNFV Collaboration | OPNFV and ONAP collaborations are tracked at the link and via OOM collaboration | Bryan Sullivan <bryan.sullivan@att.com> Helen Chen <Helen.Chen@huawei.com> Eric Debeau <eric.debeau@orange.com> Alla Goldner <alla.goldner@amdocs.com> Michael O'Brien <frank.obrien@amdocs.com> (OOM) | |
General FD.io Collaboration | ONAP and FD.io collaborations, currently focused on supplying VPP based open source sample VNFs for ONAP vCPE use case at the link | Brian FREEMAN <bf1936@att.com> Danny Zhou <danny.zhou@intel.com> Johnson Li <johnson.li@intel.com> Yoav Kluger <yoav.kluger@amdocs.com> Michal Pawloswki michal.pawlowski1@orange.com' | |
201804 to present | Acumos follows ONAP log standards and some OOM charts - specifically the ELK charts | Acumos https://wiki.acumos.org/display/OAM/Log+Standards |