- TSC agrees that all projects have now met M4 criteria
- TSC confirms the results of the ArchitectureSubcommittee Architecture Subcommittee election
TSC confirms the results of the Security Subcommittee election
TSC agrees to amend the TSC chart before the TSC vacancy seat election October (TSC-1)
- TSC approves CCSDK, Doc, Integration, VNFRQTS have passeds passed RC0, conditional for all other projects on addressing all pairwise by RC1, All Docker artifacts delivered by EOD Friday Oct 12 pacific time, OOM HealthCheck Health Check by PTL meeting on Monday Oct. 15
TSC Approves 5G PNF Plug and Play Use Case - Ansible Playbook will be descoped at RC1 if the Ansible book is not delivered as expected (TSC-26)
- TSC Chart amendment (how to handle TSC seat vacancy) approved by the TSC (TSC-1)