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  • Deep-dive discussions that take more time than is available in a single AAI Weekly Meeting

Meeting Time Poll

Weekly Developer's CallJames Forsyth

James Forsyth will create a new poll and send link to new poll to the onap-discuss list

Proposed Agenda Items

Dublin 5G Use Case

Dublin AAI changes in support of 5g use cases.

Link for presentation: 5G - PNF Plug and Play (Casablanca carry-over items)



1NF A&AI: S/W Image Repository Info
2NF A&AI: Cloud Home Info
3NF A&AI: External Manager IP Address
4NF A&AI: S/W Version Object Association
Schema Service

Discuss about the Schema Microservice

11th Oct: Use Cases for Dynamic AAI Schema Changes

Jackson Replacement

Security subcommittee has recommended teams move away from jackson, and will be presenting alternatives and asking for an assessment from each project. Our team will need to do an analysis - this would not be trivial, especially given how many of our repos are impacted. As of now, this would be a very high LOE for the team, we need to understand what the recommendation from the SECCOM is before we can provide better details on what the LOE would be.

Updated: Using Google gson vs FasterXML Jackson

10th Oct: Present to Seccom meeting

15th Oct: Present to PTL meeting

Meeting Notes History

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