- Increase version of poms and version.properties inside project.
- Merge code and run please release in gerrit to create new version of jars and images in nexus.
- Find the the last run for each of the following jenkins builds that was on the version you want to release:
- <component>-master-docker-java-shell-daily
- <component>-master-release-version-java-daily
- Email helpdesk@onap.org with approval from PTL asking to release the version of those jenkins jobs, so if job number 78 had the correct version then link those jobs
- https://jenkins.onap.org/view/<project>/job/<component>-master-release-version-java-daily/78/
- https://jenkins.onap.org/view/<project>/job/<component>-master-docker-java-shell-daily/78/
- Update version manifest files in integration repo to use newest versions. Files to update are
- integration/version-mainfest/src/main/resources/docker-mainfest.csv
- integration/version-mainfest/src/main/resources/docker-mainfest-staging.csv
- integration/version-mainfest/src/main/resources/java-mainfest.csv
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