This is based on an ONAP instance that has the required components to run the vFirewall Closed Loop Demo, on a Kubernetes cluster using OOM Beijing release.
Onboarding process flow of a VNF in ONAP
The following ONAP components are the required ones to execute the vFirewall Closed Loop demo successfully:
- vFW-vSINK preload file to use in SDNC’s ODL: https://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/1015891/vfw_preload_beijing.txt?version=1&modificationDate=1537300585000&api=v2
- vPacketGen preload file to use in SDNC’s ODL: https://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/1015891/vpacketgen_preload_beijing.txt?version=1&modificationDate=1537300585000&api=v2
- vFW-vSINK HEAT template to use as part of uploading it into Portal’s SDC’s Widget:
- HEAT template (Beijing – stable release): https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=demo.git;a=blob;f=heat/vFWCL/vFWSNK/base_vfw.yaml;h=fe7f8dc64bfc7fb289318de74e6b8dce49d485c0;hb=refs/heads/beijing
- ENV file (Beijing – stable release): https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=demo.git;a=blob;f=heat/vFWCL/vFWSNK/base_vfw.env;h=a6c4c73862592f262ba2e533ea0a4e4f9786d5e2;hb=refs/heads/beijing
- vPacketgen HEAT template to use as part of uploading it into Portal’s SDC’s Widget:
- HEAT template (Beijing – stable release): https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=demo.git;a=blob;f=heat/vFWCL/vPKG/base_vpkg.yaml;h=160331bf807b95d6f86b20118a15b26abfeb7153;hb=refs/heads/beijing
- ENV template (Beijing – stable release): https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=demo.git;a=blob;f=heat/vFWCL/vPKG/base_vpkg.env;h=317fde9eedda848598061ca5f07580ac0b6edf91;hb=refs/heads/beijing
- File to mount the VNF in APPC’s ODL: https://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/16009371/appc_mountpoint.txt?version=1&modificationDate=1511893778000&api=v2
Set up the HEAT Templates
In this part, we need to grab the HEAT templates above and do the following steps to popoulate the HEAT ENV file parameter values to prepare to upload them in the SDC Widget later on in this document.
First, populate the HEAT ENV file with the values that are specific to your Openstack environment: