- Fault Management dictionary
- Fault Management dictionary
- Proposal for Dublin
- Distinguish fault and alarm:
- opinion: depend on vendor; fault would generate alarm, the relationship could be 1:1, n:1, or in some cases, fault would not generate any alarm
- Reference for standards:
- start with 3GPP standard, adding a few new attributes, e.g., meaning of alarms, etc.
- Relationship between the proposed alarm dictionary model with VES model in papyrus
- alarm dictionary information could be represented at the VES event level or field level
- description of the alarm is proposed to be sent in "comment" section, which could be omitted to reduce the size of the alarm
- SDC can design events associated with the NF, FM alarms could be one of the artifacts defining the events
- the proposal is planned to be incorroperated with VES spec 7.x
- Next step:
- go through the current VES model
- and see how to incorroperate the FM and PM dictionary proposals into that model
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