tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualCompute and tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualStorage includes flavours of VDU
Relationship Types
R-XXXXXXXX: The VNFD provided by VNF vendor may use the below described TOSCA relationships. An on-boarding entity (ONAP SDC) MUST support them.
This relationship type represents an association relationship between the VduCpd’s and VirtualLinkDesc node types.
Interface Types
Node Types
Group Types
Policy Types
R-XXXXX: The VNFD provided by VNF vendor may use the below described TOSCA relationships. An on-boarding entity (ONAP SDC) MUST support them.
tosca.interfaces.nfv.vnf.lifecycle.Nfv supports LCM operations
5.1.9. HPA Requirements
5.1.10. VES Requirements