5.1.5. VNF CSAR Package
CSAR Overview
TOSCA YAML CSAR file is an archive file using the ZIP file format whose structure complies with the TOSCA Simple Profile YAML v1.2 Specification. The CSAR file may have one of the two following structures:
- CSAR containing a TOSCA-Metadata directory, which includes the TOSCA.meta metadata file providing an entry information for processing a CSAR file.
- CSAR containing a single yaml (.yml or .yaml) file at the root of the archive. The yaml file is a TOSCA definition template that contains a metadata section with template_name and template_version metadata. This file is the CSAR Entry-Definitions file.
VNF Package Structure and Format
O-XXX: The VNF package provided by a VNF vendor MAY be either with TOSCA.meta directory (CSAR Option 1) or without TOSCA.meta directory (CSAR Option 2) as specified in ETSI GS NFV-SOL004. On-boarding entity (ONAP SDC) must support both options.
VNF Package Contents
R-XXX: The VNF package MUST contain all standard artifacts as specified in ETSI GS NFV-SOL004 including Manifest file, VNFD (or Main TOSCA/YAML based Service Template) and other optional artifacts.