- Each code submission MUST include the JIRA identifier of the issue being addressed by this change. That issue is specified in the Issue-ID footer, as documented in the ONAP development procedures and policies page noted above.
- Each code submission that includes new code branches MUST include automated jUnit test cases to exercise the new code branches added.
- The groupId in each pom.xml must match the repository name defined in Gerrit. For example, all projects in ccsdk/features must have groupIds that begin with org.onap.ccsdk.features . This is needed because, if the groupId does not match the repository name, the merge build will fail (since the write to Nexus will fail).
- Each pom.xml should contain a parent. That parent should be either:
- One of the ccsdk parent poms defined in ccsdk/parent, if this code is intended for deployment within OpenDaylight or as a Spring Boot container.
- The ONAP oparent pom.
- Another external parent, where appropriate.
- The pom.xml in the directory immediately above the current directory.