Local Docker registry setup
Follow the steps in following link to setup Rancher and k8s cluster:
Please note the Rancher, Helm, Kubernetes versions have changed for Casablanca release. So in case you are pulling Beijing release use the scripts ( openstack-rancher.sh,
openstack-k8s-node.sh etc) from the oom/docs source directory.
Create a new VM from a ubuntu 16.04 cloud image with 6GB RAM, 5vCPUs, 300GB storage to host the docker registry
Add this VM to same network to which the Rancher and k8s nodes are attached.
Install docker on it
$apt update
$apt install docker.io
Pull and run the registry pointing to public ONAP nexus proxy
$docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=unless-stopped --name registry -e REGISTRY_PROXY_REMOTEURL=https://nexus3.onap.org:10001 registry:2
Registry is listening on 5000 port
While launching the pods using "helm install" override the default repository settings as follows
$helm install/upgrade “--set global.repository=REGISTRY_VM_IP:5000”
Local Nexus proxy setup