1. ONAP Wiki for OOF-PCI use case documentation.
Main wiki page continues to be the same:
There are child pages for different parts of the work.
There is link to this page from the main "Casablance 5G Use Case" page which is also the file repository.
2. ConfigDB schema and API Spec exposed by SDN-R to OOF and PCI Handler MS (PCIHMS).
Devendra is working on API Spec translating previous MySQL based spec to MariaDB based spec. API spec will be uploaded to Wiki. We need to finalize this by 9/5 so that SDN-C PTL can process a CR
configdB API:
modify get nbrlist to incude pci value in response
add get pnf-name to api (in response to cellid)
See: https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/DW/SDN-R%3A+Impacts+and+Interface+aspects
3. Yang model
Sandeep is going to study and come back with Yang model for the use case. This will build on SDN-R yang model.
Note that cellID needs to be globally unique. Suggestion to use eCGI.
Need to be aligned to 3GPP and ORAN.
See: https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/2838276916281383/onap-sdnr-modelling.zip?api=v2
4. Policy Module code changes for OOF-PCI:
Plan for code changes was presented in 8/29 Policy call.
See: https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/DW/Policy%3A+Impacts+and+interface+aspects
Plan: Swami/Saravanan will be submitting code changes by 9/7
7. Dublin release:
5G Use Case team already has wiki page for Dublin plans.
We could consider following (need feedback):
- extension of PCI use case: include data from DCAE (PM/FM KPIs?) and triggers from SO/AAI (new cell addition) and FM alarms.
- onboard PCIHMS to DCAE
- build out interface and sync between AAI and configDB
- add other SON function such as ANR (joint optimization?) or others which can be used to test the CLC function in Policy for SON coordination.This was our first meeting using the ONAP bridge