Create Server
| O {
"tenant": "tenant1",
"name": "vm1",
| 1 "availabilityZone": "az1",
"flavorName": "vm_large",
| string "boot": {
| Subnet UUID "type": 1,
" volumeName": "volume1"
| name"flavorId": "vm_large_134213",
"contextArray": [{
| M "fileName": "test.yaml",
"fileData": "…."
| 1 }],
"volumeArray": [{
"volumeName": "vol1",
| string}],
| Port name"nicArray": [{
"portId": "port_a"
"metada": [{
| macAddress "keyName": "foo",
| O"value": "foo value"
| 1 "userdata": "abcdedf"
| string | Mac address"vimId": "11111",
"vimName": "11111",
"cloud-owner": "cloudowner",
"cloud-region-id": "cloudregion",
"returnCode": "success",
| ip "id": "1234-23545",
"name": "vm1",
"tenantId": "tenant1",
"boot": {
| O"type": 1,
" | 1volumeName": "volume1"
| string"volumeArray": [{
| Ip address |
| vnicType | O | 1 | string | Virtual network card type, |
| | | | | |
| | | | | the value of three kinds of normal/direct/macvtap |
| \ **securityGroups** | **O** | **1** | **string** | **The IDs of security groups applied to the port.** |
| **Parameter** | **Qualifier** | **Cardinality** | **Content** | **Description** |
| returnCode | M | 1 | int | 0: Already exist 1: Newly created |
| vimId | M | 1 | String | vim id |
| vimName | O | 1 | string | vim name |
| cloud-owner | M | 1 | String | cloud owner |
| cloud-region-id | M | 1 | string | cloud region id |
| status | M | 1 | string | status |
| id | M | 1 | string | Port Id |
| name | M | 1 | string | Port name |
| tenantId | M | 1 | String | Tenant UUID |
| networkName | M | 1 | string | Network name |
| networkId | M | 1 | string | Network Id |
| subnetName | M | 1 | string | Subnet name |
| subnetId | M | 1 | string | SubnetId |
| macAddress | O | 1 | string | Mac address |
| ip | O | 1 | string | Ip address |
| vnicType | O | 1 | string | Virtual network card type, |
| | | | | |
| | | | | the value of three kinds of normal/direct/macvtap |
| **securityGroups** | **O** | **1** | **string** | **List of security group names.** |
Create Server
"tenant": "tenant1",
"name": "vm1",
"availabilityZone": "az1",
"flavorName": "vm_large",
"boot": {
"type": 1,
" volumeName": "volume1"
"flavorId": "vm_large_134213",
"contextArray": [{
"fileName": "test.yaml",
"fileData": "…."
"volumeArray": [{
"volumeName": "vol1",
"nicArray": [{
"portId": "port_a"
"metada": [{
"keyName": "foo",
"value": "foo value"
"userdata": "abcdedf"
| **Parameter** | **Qualifier** | **Cardinality** | **Content** | **Description** |
| vimId | M | 1 | String | vim id |
| vimName | O | 1 | string | vim name |
| cloud-owner | M | 1 | String | cloud owner |
| cloud-region-id | M | 1 | string | cloud region id |
| returnCode | | 1 | int | 0: Already exist 1: Newly created |
| id | M | 1 | string | server id |
| name | | 1 | string | server name |
| tenantId | M | 1 | String | Tenant UUID |
| boot | M | 1 | String | Start parameters |
| nicArray | O | 1..n | List of nic | List of nic |
| volumeArray | O | 1..n | list of volume | list of volume |
| availabilityZone | O | 1 | string | Usable field |
| flavorId | M | 1 | String | server Flavor |
| metadata | O | 1 | List of metadata | Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each. |
| **securityGroups** | **O** | **1** | **List of name of security group** | **One or more security groups. Specify the name of the security group in the name attribute. If you omit this attribute, the API creates the server in the default security group.** |
| | | | | |
| | | | | **[TBD]** |
| **serverGroup** | **O** | **1** | **string** | the ServerGroup for anti-affinity and affinity |
| | | | | |
| | | | | [TBD] |
| **status** | **M** | **1** | **string** | Server status, 0:INACTIVE,1:ACTIVE,2:ERROR |
202: accepted
500: failed
"id": "3c9eebdbbfd345658269340b9ea6fb73",
"name": "vm1",
"returnCode": 1,
"volumeName": "vol1",
"nicArray": [{
"portId": "port_a"
"availabilityZone": "zone1",
"flavorId": "tenant1",
"metada": [{
"keyName": "foo",
"value": "foo value"
} |