- Rationale
The From the service/network operator perspective, the BPMN Monitoring has been defined realized as a pain point since the Amsterdam release. Camunda cockpit regardless community or enterprise editions were designed from a BPMN process management perspective. Finding right process instance(s) and data for the service / resource request is tedious and hassle.
- Camunda is not an OSS vendor, and they don’t have a reason to cover service-level monitoring. As a result, it does not meet service-level orchestration monitoring from the OSS perspective.Search is an Camunda enterprise feature, but we need to provide searching capability for non-enterprise edition.
- Finding right process instance(s) for a NS/VNF service request is tedious and hassle.
- a service request could invoke many sub-process workflows.
- Needs drill down and drill up to cover sub-process instances.
To facilitate monitoring, we don't have any business value to cover the OSS opearator-friendly monitoring.
There is Camunda cockpit, but regardless community or enterprise editions, they were designed from a BPMN process management perspective.
- They require the user BPMN definition and design knowledge for monitoring.
- The user needs to know which service invokes which BPMN process definitions and how those process definitions are related to each other.
- There could be thousands process instances daily, and a top-level process instance can have multiple sub-process instances (call activity instances).
- It is not easy to find right process instances and data
- We need more than what Camunda Community/Enterprise edition supports.
- provides the process monitoring (instance-search) hyperlink to the SO clients for launching process monitoring.
- Automates tedious manual steps for finding target process instance(s), bypassing tedious search starting from the process defintions.
- Access customized SO Monitoring Service List (or Camunda Cockpit widgets) from VID, UUI and external API users.
- If a service provider uses Camunda Enterprise edition, they can still utilize this SO monitoring on top of Camunda enterprise edition features.
- Many of Camunda enterprise features such as CRUDV and version control of process definitions would be part of SDC.
- ONAP separated workflow design and runtime.
- Several enterprise features are not part of SO monitoring features and are not applicable.
- What are current TOSCA orchestrator monitoring capabilities?
- SO monitoring should cover both imperative and declarative orchestration.
- Question: can we have a kind of uniform way of monitoring?
- Why not Camunda Cockpit as is: current Camunda Cockpit was designed from a BPMN process management perspective (note: need to study for TOSCA cases).
- It does not meet service-level orchestration monitoring.
- It is designed for BPMN definition/execution monitoring; require process knowledge for monitoring.
- We need higher-level monitoring abstraction for both BPMN.
- Associate Request Id / Service Instance Id (or other keys) to the top-level process instance id. For the association,
- Could use a process variable holding the Request Id / Service Instance id (or other keys), or
- Allow VID, UUI or external application users monitor process workflow process (graphically and text-based) based on extensible search keys.
- We need a platform level run-time and history process activity report capabilities out of the box.
- Regardless use of Camunda Enterprise Edition or Community Edition. Query to Camunda/ARIA database to extract activities. editions offer to
- Facilitate the finding of associated process instances and data
- Allow VID, UUI or external application users monitor process workflow process (graphically and text-based) based on their search criteria.
- Bypassing all the tedious manual search through process definitions and instances
- Eliminating prerequisite knowledge of process definition relationships for monitoring - learn as you drill down and up
- Needs drill down and drill up to cover sub-process instances graphically and text-based.
- The following diagram depicts the high-level concept.
- Completed, in_progress, failed, pending
- High-Level Requirements
- Dashboard views of Service lists
- Filtering capabilities based on search criteria
- Configurable search criteria
- Dashboard views of statistics (donuts, pie charts, etc.) for filtered request/service instances
- Process / Service Instance Rendering and detail panel views
- with sub-process/service instance drill-drown and drill-up capabilities
- A process/service instance could be realized by multiple process instances
- with process / task detail
- Topology (workflow) views during/after orchestration
- with sub-process/service instance drill-drown and drill-up capabilities
- Input/output data views for process/task/service task (messages, parameters)
- Display on service / task detail panel
- Provide message log views (could be on a pop-up widget)
- Color coding/visual indication of statistic and service type and status
- Troubleshooting capabilities by manipulating the workflow during orchestration for troubleshooting and retry from the current location (stretch goal)
- TOSCA orchestration monitoring (stretch goal)
- Dashboard views of Service lists
- High-Level Design
- Collect a service list based on search criteria
- Associate the service instance /request ids with the process instances without manual intervention
- Provide a hyperlink to launch process instances, which provide
- process workflow diagram rendering
- process instance activity paths (color coded) on the diagram and text panels
- This provides where the process instance executions are.
- process variables panel
- drill down and up for child-parent processes (call activities)
- Provide the statistic report page for the collected service list.
- widget)
- Color coding/visual indication of statistic and task execution trails
- Design
- Collect a service list based on search criteria through the REQUEST Database table.
- Service Instance Id,
- Request Id
- Service Name
- Status
- Date
- Display service list statistic (COMPLETED, IN_PROGRESS, FAILED, PENDING) for the selected service list.
- Provides the hyperlinks between the service list to Camunda Process instances to
- Automate tedious manual steps for finding target process instance(s), bypassing tedious search starting from the process definitions
- Allow VID, UUI and external API users monitor their process instances and data
- Use Camunda REST APIs to:
- Associate the Request Id / Service Instance Id (and other search criteria) to the top-level process instance without manual intervention
- Use a process variable holding the Request Id for the process instance search
- Get the process definition XML for workflow rendering
- Get the process instance details such as activities and variables
- User process activity data for 1) execution trail, 2) drill-down and drill-up.
- Display and render collected process instance data on the pages
- Workflow Diagram canvas (zoom in/out and scrolling)
- Process Information panel
- Activity Instances and Process variable panels
- Collect a service list based on search criteria through the REQUEST Database table.
- UI Widgets
- Service List
- Service Statistic
- Process/Service Instance Rendering and Detail