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Steven Wright

Names of additional contributors

Proposed ReleaseCasablanca
JIRA Ticket(s)

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

The objective is to  extract / summarize VNF Requirements into a VNF Badge with a format similar to the CII Badging website  see e.g. CII Badge for VVP.

The main difference is that the badge is for a VNF rather than an open source project.    

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As an initial target, it has been proposed to focus on the requirements associated with VNF Management (i.e. Chapter 7 of the ONAP VNF Requirements)  

The specific badge would need to be aligned with the LFN guidance on logos, but something along the following lines may be a place to start.

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The current CII badge has ~70 requirements, in 6 pulldown menus.