A&AI Schema
return from List of HPACapacity.get(hpaCapacityKey)
Flavor - HPACapability Schema during HPA Discovery
HPACapability in Flavor needs to filled with an additional metadata for capacity check named hpaCapacityKey which is used to find the capacity from compute Node. (Marked in RED)
Because of certain grouping of HPACapabilities, we need to add the hpaCapacityKey metadata inside the individual hpa-attribute-value (eg: basicCapabilities where each of the hpa-attributes needs capacity check)
In Case of Pciepassthrough, the HPAAttributes together represent an individual capability, so the hpaCapacityKey is formed in a composite manner including the pcieVendorId and pcieDeviceId. The pciCount is used in capacity check.
During HPA discovery process, Multicloud will add the necessary metadata for simplifying capacity check.
Refer wiki page: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Policy+Specification+and+Retrieval+for+OOF
Policy | Attributes | hpa-feature | Openstack Mapping | AAI Flavor HPACapability representation (Eg:) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
HPA Basic Capabilities Policy Example | numVirtualCpu virtualMemSize | basicCapabilities | vcpus, ram | hpa-capability-id="b369fd3d-0b15-44e1-81b2-6210efc6dff9", hpa-feature=”basicCapabilities”, architecture=”generic", version=”v1”,
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
HPA PCIe Passthrough Policy Example | pciCount pciVendorId pciDeviceId | pciePassthrough | pci_passthrough:alias=ALIAS:COUNT Openstack administrator is expected to create ALIAS as <name>-<PCIe vendor ID in Hex>-<PCIe device ID> QuickAssist example: "mycrypto-8086-0443" In case of SRIOV-NIC: aggregate_instance_extra_specs:sriov-device-<name>="<Vendor ID>-<Device ID>" It is expected that Openstack administrator creates host aggregate and metadata 'sriov-device-<name>' . Example: Assume that there are two SRIOV-NIC cards supported by a region, Intel and Mellanox. Examples: sriov-device-intel=8086-1563 sriov-device-mellanox=15B3-1003 | hpa-capability-id="f453fd3d-0b15-11w4-81b2-6210efc6dff9", hpa-feature=”pciePassthrough”, architecture=”intel64", version=”v1”,
hpa-capability-id="q236fd3d-0b15-11w4-81b2-6210efc6dff9", hpa-feature=”pciePassthrough”, architecture=”{hw_arch}", version=”v1”,
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
HPA Huge Pages Policy Example | memoryPageSize | hugePages | hw:mem_page_size values can be ANY, 4KB, 2MB, 1GB How to handle large, small, any from openstack? if the hw:mem_page_size is an integer it is assumed the unit is in KB The deafult value for small page is 4k, for large page is 2M or 1G(recommended value 2M), for any page, libvirt will firstly to try to find large pages, if failed then will fall back to small pages. so it's suggest do not support any page in current release version | hpa-capability-id="e769fd3d-0b15-77b3-81b2-6210efc6dffa", hpa-feature=”hugePages”, architecture=”generic", version=”v1”,