Versions Compared


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This page hosts information about discussion calls dedicated to R3+ service modeling.


1. VFC requirements for NSD (Yan Yang)  

2. Resource/Service IM decision on NSD  (Xu Yang)

3.  NSD Proposal (maopeng zhang)


Maopeng Zhang, Xu Yang, Hui Deng


1. Yan presents VFC requirements for NSD. VFC project implement ETSI NFVO, which needs to consume the NSD. VFC also needs standard NSD. VFC would like to receive the NSD from SDC. In the long run, VFC also needs to receive NSD from OSS and BSS.
2. YangXu presents NSD updates from the resource IM calls ?Proposed Network Service Descriptor Model?. From his understanding of previous calls of reousrce IM CALL?, NS is a composition of VNFs, VLs and topology of how to construct a service, which are all in the domain of resource. NS is different from the service we want ONAP to handle.
3. From Lingli and GilAndy's discussion: For IM, we agreed to move NSD to resource domain for Casablanca. But for Dublin+, there are considerations on having also service domain reflection on resources (including network service).
4. MaoPeng presents NSD proposal: NSD requires to do some limitation in NFV resoures composition, not all the SDC resources and substitution mappings to NS TOSCA node.
5. Currently we are working on enabling interworking commercial NFVO deployment with ONAP community version
6. Agreed to continue with a special service type for network service design and distribution to be supported by SDC/SO/VFC for Casablanca.
